Wednesday, September 9, 2009

*insert island gun shots here*

Man...SHE'S SO YOUNG!!!! lol


I still remember when I first met her with all of her bags ready to go to our pre-orientation retreat at Emory! I was her first friend!!! lol. That was 3+ years ago.

She's probably one of the few people more random than I am! and yes...she's random!! but it's all good. That's why we get along so well. We're mad random and have crazy silly moments together, but she's one of the few people in my life that has shown me what real friends are for, and is partially the reason I am such a good friend to those I consider friends today! *at least I think I'm a good friend.*

I'm going to see her now, she doesn't know it yet! lol...but yea...I can't just suffice with a blog post on her birthday! But, you know I gotta show love! So yall should too. Hit her up, twitter, phone, whichever you prefer. but hit her up! IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!!

So, a Happy freakin Birthday to my best friend, Braeanna Marie Hillman!! I miss and love you lots! *but I won't miss you anymore since I'm coming to see!*

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