Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Four-Letter Word

Remember when you first ever thought you might have fallen in love? How it felt? How you described it? Who it was with?

Well, spring is in the air. I don't know what it is about spring...*possibly just unconscious societal praxes that constitute us feeling a certain way at this certain time of year*...but lately I just been feelin like I'm surrounded by why not blog about it.

I've come to realize that, no matter how many times you think you fell in love, how long that feeling lasted, or when you fell in love...nobody will ever be an expert on it. There's no formula, no equation, no general rule, no historical foundations to constantly build upon, no list, no Love For Dummies, no documentaries, no mapquest, no manuscript to tell you how to love.

I was talking to one of my younger brothers about this early this morning when we should have been trying to sleep...which is what initially led me to write this blog. Just seeing the stuff he's going through with his girl and how he is feeling really lines up with a few of my own experiences from the past. *Kid is JUST like me. lol* Anyways...didn't you hate it when you loved someone...yet other people would always like to add their two cents in about"You're too young to be in love," or "You don't really love her. You just think you do,"'s the kicker..."If you truly loved would *enter task here*?" Thinking can only be what you think and feel it I said, there is no list or anything to tell you what needs to exist in order to be in love. People love in different capacities, and express it in different ways. Nobody can love for you. So why do people feel like they have to offer their opinion on the matter? Let them come to their own realizations.

Is love contagious? *You can probably say the same about wanting to be single...but i'm talkin about love here. lol* What I mean by that is...seeing other people in love, in a lot of instances, causes others to either want love if they don't have it, or think about the love they had/ve...or just think about love in some capacity. It's good seeing my 2 younger brothers in love. *as they would call it, which is all that matters* Do they love the same. Not even close. They're two different people that handle situations, act, and feel completely different. Yet, by their definition of love...they're happy. and you can tell when they're with their respective significant others. Am I saying this to say I am longing for love? lol *Imma chill on that. Not ready to put that out there in cyberspace yet. those close to me know the deal.*

Can, we as people, live without love? I feel like it is in our make-up to always want love. People long for love, and try to figure out how to obtain it, or wonder why they feel like they are not loved. That's when I see people looking at other people's experience or "advice" and try to personalize it. That rarely works, and this is me speaking from a person that gives "advice." I quote "advice" cuz, I feel like in the matters of love, it's relative only to the experiences of the person giving it. Sometimes, I feel like people tend to look everywhere for answers pertaining to love except for where the answers reside...inside them. Like...they try all of these other methods to get someone to love them, or to figure out why somebody didn't love them...or who they become/became when trying all of these other methods...forgetting the most important person in that situation will always be them.

Ok...I think I talked about what was going through my head about that topic. If there was anything else...I'll probably just add to it later...or just start another entry on it. Ok. Feel free to leave thoughts and whatnot. Yea. holla.

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