Thursday, July 30, 2009

Man Rule #3

Take responsibility for your actions!!!

I was at dinner with @CoaJenae and @_JBo when I was inspired to write this topic.

It's really quite simple, and it doesn't need to be written...but I'm going to write this anyways as it is always a good reminder, as well as a way for higher self-edification.

If you did something...damn...just say so. There ain't no need to try to hide what you did. No need to deny it. No need to water it down. No need to be vague about it. Just be real about it. It is what it is. Men always think they gotta get away with doing it's a notch on your belt for doing so. That's just immature, real talk. Man up.

For those men that are "man" enough to have unprotected sex, and then "accidentally" get the girl up! I see too many single mothers out there because the man responsible either straight dipped on her, claimed "that baby is not mine" on some Maury type ish, or is around and just not taking part in they're life...all the while with some other chick bout to start a family with her. Yea, there are other scenarios...females trip too...but I'm speaking to the men right now. No matter what the situation is, we as men need to man up to our actions.

You feel like you need to cheat, damn just break up with your chick. So simple. Why go through all the sneaking around with having that side chick, all the while lyin' to your main just to save your skin? And then when your main confronts you, askin' what you doin, why you gonna deny it, just allowing more room to hurt her in the end? If yall haven't noticed, when the woman asks you if you sneakin' around, 8 times out of 10 they already know, and just wanna see you can be a man about it.

I'm not sayin' let's we as men stop making mistakes. We're human first...and as humans...things happen. It's life. We're gonna mess up. There's nothing wrong with that. That's what forgiveness is for. That's how you learn. But, when stuff does happen, let's man up and take responsibility for what happened. What do I mean by "man up?" Being able to admit wrong in what we are responsible for...being able to accept the consequences of our actions as opposed to trying to duck and dodge them...being able to maintain honesty and integrity (especially integrity) in any and all situations...being able to stand firm in what you believe in and not waiver with the wind...understanding what is more important in the grand scheme of things and acting accordingly...knowing when to put your pride aside...and so on and so forth, I'm sure yall get the gist by now.

All a man has is his word and his balls. In other words, if anything, the two things that should matter most to men are what they say, and what they do about what they say and how they do it (and keeping your balls intact of course. lol). Let's keep that in mind.

Let's stop with all the BS and further propellin' the negative image of men around the world. Let's be up! I guarantee you, people...male and female...will have SO MUCH MORE respect for you if you do.


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