Thursday, August 20, 2009

100th Post

This is my 100th post! So for my 100th post, Imm keep it 100! Yea...thanks for yall that have been keepin' up and checkin' out what I've had to say. I know I may not be the most interesting person in the world, or the funniest, or the smartest, or anything like that, but I do it anyways! lol. Even though I don't get mad comments or anything *don't worry my feelings aren't hurt. lol*, it's just satisfying to me that people are, at least, reading it...I just hope I have been able to touch somebody's life with anything off my blog. Whether it produces a good laugh that clears the clouds from your gloomy day, causes you to truly think about how you are living your life in itself, informs you on a topic you had no idea about, introduced you to a part of life you were unfamiliar of, gives you insight into who I was a person and who I am growing into, or simply provides you with an escape from your day, I hope you do get SOMETHING out of it.

I'm not being sentimental either...I'm just sleepy! lol I really am though. I'm fighting Sleep right now, and I just gave it a right hook to the jaw! So i'm taking this time to taunt now while he's stunned before he gets his second wind and TKO's me, knowing this is a battle I will NEVER ultimately win. lol besides, there are still two more posts I wanna put up now before I knock out, cuz I got a days comin' I may not be able to get on here.

But yea...big ups to those who stay reading the those who leave comments...those that give me ideas to blog about...and those who shout me out on Twitter/their blog/facebook/etc. Huge ups to LoLights, J.Bo, and Shotty (Cannonball) for inadvertently keeping me on the blogging tip with their blogs. And yea...if you didn't get a personal shoutout...please don't get all soft or nothin on me. I love yall nonetheless. And I've been checkin' for yalls blogs. I'll start leavin' comments there too! *Jas, Chioma, Finis....*

Okay I think I covered pretty much everything I wanted to hit on. Just thanks for tuning in, and be sure to stay tuned. J.B. Charisma is still coming with heat, controversial topics, funny anecdotes, inspirational quotes, and everything else! Spread the word about me! And remember, "It's not what you say, but how you say it!"


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