Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Man Rule #4

Please do not settle for being "Boyfriend #2"!!!!!

I already find it annoying when ladies feel they need a second (+) boyfriend, but it's even more annoying, as well as degrading to my gender, when I hear males actually referring to themselves as such or try to put themselves in a position to be so. I mean, word?!

First of all, when has it EVER been alright to be second? I was always under the impression that "Second place is the first place loser." By being this "Boyfriend #2", you're really being a loser! A LOSER!

Secondly, do you not have the confidence to get your own girl? You have to go after someone elses to get off? You're actually comfortable with renting? Do you think you are leasing to own? Nah, you're renting, and eventually you'll be evicted, or your lease will expire, and you're okay with that?

Now, if you are okay with this and don't mind being this so-called "Boyfriend #2", then okay. You can stop reading this right now. This series is called MAN Rules, and any real MAN would not settle for being second best in a female's life. So deductively, you'd still be a lil nigga; so please proceed with your life.

To those that actually like to see yourselves as men, let's be real now! There is nothing masculine about being #2. Real talk, and excuse my French, but you're being a bitch! Or maybe I'm just one of a few men that doesn't wanna be where some other man's penis happens to be on a regular basis. I don't see the point. Especially when there are SO MANY other qualified women in the world that would love your attention and time.

Think about it this way. Let's say you happen to be that ONE lucky guy that was upgraded from #2 to #1. Will you be able to sleep comfortably at night knowing that you got what you wanted, or would you be up wondering who her NEW #2 is? If she was able to make you a #2, what makes you think she can't do the same with someone else? Another scenario. Let's say you decided to make some female your girl. You actually put the time in to make it a serious relationship. How many believe in karma? How would you feel if, even though you may have done nothing to her previously, she went out and got a #2? Would you be mad *although you'd be a hypocrite if you were*, or would you just be ok with the fact that you're still #1 *which would make you a bitch*?

Personally, I could never be a "Boyfriend #2." First of all, if I was gonna put myself in that position, I would not like the fact that I'm considered #2. I mean, I'm a top-notch brother, at least I'd like to think so. I got a good head on my shoulders, healthy, intelligent, empathetic, easy to talk to, extra understanding, caring, and blase blase. So why in the world would I...oh and mad handsome! lol *for those that wanna say I'm cocky or conceited or something like that, just save it. I really don't care. I'm just sayin what I feel and what others have told me*...but why in the world would I settle for being somebody's #2 when I can be somebody else's #1 and be damn good at it? I know I'm not the only one that feels that way. Also, women are ultimately looking for that type brother that will compliment them and could potentially be a life partner, and I PROMISE you, if you are allowing and settling yourself to be a #2 in a female's life now, what is the chance any female will see you as ANYBODY's undisputed #1?

I also happen to be a firm believer in karma. You get what you put out. You reap what you sow. All of that. I believe in it, and trust me, it's through personal experience that I can say that. So with that, I could never get into a situation with someone I know already has a significant other. I try my best not to be a hypocrite, and I know I'd be livid if I found out my chick happened to be messin' with some other dude on the side. So I'm not gonna be the type of person I'd be mad at. *Typically, I'd mainly be mad at the chick anyways since she's more responsible. But most times, dudes know the girl is in a relationship. They just don't care. As long as they smash...kinda sad...*

With all of this, at the end of the day, boyfriend #2 seems like a triflin' type nigga though don't he? I think so. lol

Now I'm not judging anybody that happens to love being in that position either. Just simply stating my beliefs on how a MAN should act. So for those who happen to be boyfriend #2 right now, or is trying to get themselves into a position to be so, do not take personal offense. I'm just speaking on my personal views and ideas of such a title in regards to being a man. You do you. I'm just sayin' though...

And ladies I don't care what Pleasure P got to say either, but "if you got a man and a 'buddy' on the side" you should NOT be saying YEEEAAAA!! Lowkey, it's just a subliminal message "allowing" you to act like a garden tool, which is never acceptable. Just keeping it real. More power to you if you like having multiple boyfriends though. If you got the power to have men wanna be with you when you're with someone else...hey work it. I'm just sayin' though...

Big ups to B. Meagley for inspiring me with the idea to write on this topic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn ok I haven't commented in a while biz. But just for the record, I LOVE your man rules! all (4) of them!! my fave (i def L'd OL): "And ladies I don't care what Pleasure P got to say either, but "if you got a man and a 'buddy' on the side" you should NOT be saying YEEEAAAA!!"

I'm so lazy plus i totally agree with everything you said, so there's no need for my usual long ass comments (i know.. you're welcome lol), but yeah. Every time I see "man rules #_" i get excited haha. You should do "woman rules." from a man's POV of course.
