Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Sky Is NOT The Limit!

I've been highly intrigued by this for the past couple hours, and I've been tweeting it like crazy! (yea...check my twitter updates on the right side of the blog and follow if you aren't already. It's ok...I don't bite. lol) Anyways...I'm taking an astronomy class at State, and after doing a portion of the reading tonight...i'm just extremely curious now.

Mainly, I'm curious about the universe. How big is it? Will it stop growing? Will light ever hit a "wall"? What will happen when it does? Is there another universe beyond this one? Does the universe stretch into eternity? Just so many questions.

I was watching this video about how far things are in our universe, and I happened to find it pretty cool, and wanted to share. So look. It's mad intriguing. Well, okay I'll say this first. I'm having one of my nerd moments right now. I'm a closet nerd when something intrigues me enough to be so, this being one of these moments. So if you aren't a person with a general thirst for knowledge, a person interested in space, or just a person who likes the stuff I post (lol) you probably won't wanna watch it. However, it is still interesting! Check it.

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