Monday, August 10, 2009

Blood Is Thicker Than Ice

As I depart for the know I can't go without doing this.

Another birthday shoutout to a fellow McGuffie.

Real talk...I really can't picture any moment of my life before his birth. For as long as I can remember, he's been there. It's almost as if he's like my twin...but he's not. lol. but yea's funny. We're almost like polar opposites in a sense. I'm very outgoing. He's not quite so. I love dancing. He doesn't. He loves hats. I can care less about them. I love keeping peace. He just makes sure his point gets across at any cost. I love to push myself to the most of my abilities, yet fail to understand what my limits are sometimes. He will rarely push himself, yet he is fully aware of his capabilities.

But we ALWAYS have each other's back. Always. We'll listen to each other most times before we listen to our parents. lol but yea man...this my brother man.

Happy Birthday to yet another younger brother that's bigger than me, Drew Aaron McGuffie!! Kid turned 20 today. Show some love!

Picture may be a bit blurry...but whatever, you get the point!

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