Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Real Talk Vol. 6: Letter to My Queens

Courtesy of my homegirl LoLo...I took this from her. Love ya girl!

"Dear black women of America,

It has been called to my attention that many of us have demonstrated unparalleled amounts of ignorance in a time when we should be banding together to improve our world and make better lives for our children. If you are unclear as to what ignorance and ghetto-ness I speak of, please refer to the guidelines I've given below. As a black woman of today, if you follow these guidelines, you will not only live a happier, healthier life, but you'll have done your part to help eradicate the world of negative black female stereotypes.

1. If you wear weave, please make sure it's Yaki and not past mid-shoulder length. Recent touch ups and properly straightened edges are mandatory.

2. Birth control and condoms work, so PLEASE, use them freely. Note: A negro telling you he loves you is not a written contract that guarantees he is disease free and will pay child support.

3. If you must take a phone call in a public place, please talk at a normal volume and refrain from using curse words.

4. Blue/violet contacts don't work on you, I don't care how light you think you are.

5. There are more ways to express your disapproval in a situation than rolling your head/eyes and looking like you smell something stank. Use your words, they work better.

6. Too tight clothes don't look good on anyone. Wear the size you are...not the size that you think you are. Note: if you have to lay down to zip up your pants, you might want to think about moving up to the next size.

7. If you have kids, please make sure they are clean and look put together when they leave the house.

8. Again, if you have kids, try to limit your "going out" activities to once a week.

9. Instead of spending hours teaching your child the stanky leg, try reading them a damn book.

Finally, ladies, I say to you, this last guideline is the most important of all guidelines...STOP HATING ON EACH OTHER. If you see a sista doing better than you, simply try to find out how she got that way and take a damn note!

Strive for better:

- Instead of finding a baby daddy, work on finding a husband
- Instead of finding a man with a record, find one with a career
- Instead of dealing with a guy who lives with his momma, find one that has a landlord or owns his own property
- Stop dating men whose car costs more than his monthly rent
- If he'd rather spend money on shoes/clothes/cars than saving up for a home, he might not be the best choice for you if you desire stability
- Don't date dude with kids who don't pay child support


The BLATTDB (Black Ladies of America Trying To Do Better)"

*by way of J.B. Charisma*

And to the men who may feel offended by the "Strive for Better" section, and fit the negatives of that list...then Real Talk... T.I. -- Urban Legend -- Track 10.



reecispieces said...

i know of a few women who need to read this. lol at the part directed at men at the end. i love that song =)

Jas said...


Jasmine said...

courtesy of my bestie!!! birds of a feather...
