Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Okay...I need help.

I want to expand the...marginal paramaters *if that makes sense*...on my page. I don't like how everything is seemingly squeezed in the middle. Like I want to make the boxes bigger...and have the margins spread out. you know? just so everything isn't so crowded. but...I don't know how to do it.

So can someone help me???

Please. :) I'll greatly appreciate it.

Tis all. Holla!


Lo Wayne said...

yea, I meant to tell you about that fam. Your margins are messed up. that's why ur vids and music player don't fit. (if that's what ur talking about. hit me up on aim or something and i can help u with that.

Jay Blair said...

Holla!!!! Imma most def hit you up in the near future. 'Preciate that homie!!