Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birthday La Flare!

So yea...the second addition to my Birthday shoutouts!

Remember earlier in this blog in my entry titled "An Interview"...somewhere I mentioned I have an affinity for pretty people *In another blog entry...coming soon...I'm going to explain my use of "pretty"...I don't want to confuse or offend anybody*...well yes she's definitely one of these "pretty people" more than one facet.

This goes out to a Ms. Tocoa Jenae Geter *yes I used your government too girl!* HAPPY BIRTHDAY COCO!!!!! yea...we aren't the CLOSEST friends...but we are REALLY GREAT friends. *at least I think so. lol* I see some of her personality in me...especially with the way we treat our friends *I'll talk about friendships and whatnot in another blog entry as well. That'll be quite long so...when I have time...*

So yea...everybody show her some love! Facebook...hit her up...leave a comment here...however.


aw...we took this picture last year on your birthday!! haha

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