Friday, June 12, 2009

Forever 21 when a special person in my life has a birthday...I am going to shout them out on my blog. I just thought of this idea for those of yall that are special to me and had a birthday between the day I started blogging and now...sorry. I just thought of it now. I got yall next go round!

Ok...yea...this actually a fitting first birthday shoutout. Why? She's family!

A HUGE Happy Birthday to my cousin, Jasmine Lacy Bowles! *Yes I used your government!* She turns 21 today! Finally on her grown woman the legal sense! She been grown. SHOOOOOOOOT! lolol *J.Bo will get how I said that. haha* So yea...for all my Lovejoy folk...Emory folk...or all random folk...whether you know her or not, show her some love. Hit her up...leave a facebook message...or just leave a comment on this post and i'll forward it to her! Either's her day!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUZZO!!!!! I love you cuz! :)

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