Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Real Talk Vol. 2...Un-sense-ored

What's the point of censoring expletive language?

I never really got the point of that. Like, clean versions of CD's, radio edits of songs. I mean...why?

Even more annoying...replacing letters in a bad word with random @$$ symbols to make it seem like you're not cussing...WORD SON? Like you don't know what the f#*^ i'm talking about. N!&&@$

Ok...sorry about that...for those that have been reading my blog...I have been making a conscious effort to eliminate my use of foul language here in case of young readers and older readers and such, and just for personal improvement. I do believe I used @$$ twice a couple of entries ago...but those were for emphasis. Other than that...I've been doing pretty well.

But I have to make an exception for this entry *only to make a point, of course*. Cuz, as I said...I just don't see the point.

As far as typing or writing is concerned...Why the h*!! do people use these wack-@$$ symbols to get the f^$&ing point across that they are using "bad words?" The only thing these annoying excuses for letters do is make reading a tad bit more difficult for the readers, and make the person writing them look like an ignorant dumb@$$!!! Or people that use these f****** stars to replace the letters...like n***** can't count stars! Profane words are not mutha****** passwords you son of a b****!! Okay...once again I apologize...and this is not an angry barrage on those who actually do this, rather a satirical example of such action...but it's to make a point. Just because you decide to replace a few letters that are required to complete the spelling of a curse word with other characters does not mean you did not use a curse word...you just found a way to not spell it. Any person with eyes, reading skills, and an imagination can understand that. So...with that being said...are the curse words REALLY being censored?? I, for one, do not think so. They're just being misspelled...making the spellers seemingly illiterate and silly...and this is really more of a shot at society on placing such silly regulations on the use of expletives (media concerns, employer concerns, parental concerns...etc) than it is at the people who actually participate in such silliness as a way to circumvent those supposed prohibitions. So for those who actually do try to "censor" their cursing and may take offense to this...please do not do so. And I apologize if you do...however that is how I feel. Either use them...or don't. You are more than allowed to feel otherwise. However, if so, can you please inform me on why it's necessary.

Oh I'm not done yet!!

As far as bleeping curse words in music is concerned...That's just mad annoying. I forget which CD I bought one time back in the day *I'm pretty sure it was Tha Eastsidaz Duces n Trayz joint...so imma run with that*...anyways...I was mad excited to cop this CD...but my parents made me get the clean version...I was like 12 or 13 at the time maybe...or something like that...so anyways...yea they were real big in the west coast...huge buzz...bought their "clean" CD...I pretty much bought a blank disc. *big ups to Drake. To the Drake "fans"...do yall know what song I'm referencing here? yes....no...."Buzz so big I could probably sell a blank disc"...ring a bell...womp!! lol I'm mad silly* but yea...i just don't understand why people think because the profane word is *bleeped* out people won't know what word was there, or at least what kind of word was there. Let's think about it...why would it be *bleeped* out? It's not like the word "sunshine" will ever get bleeped out of a song. Aaaand...along with that...it just takes away from the music itself. If the radio...or edited cd's...are gonna just have bleeped out words...the rappers might as well just rap like Will Smith and not curse at all. Like...okay perfect example...check this out.

Question...by raise of hands, with all of those bleeps...and pretending you never heard the song before...how many can at least use context clues *and rhyming patterns* to figure out what was said?? *Sees raised hands* Okay...and for those that couldn't figure them out...here's how it really sounds...

Now, I am not opposed to the use of "bad" language. I personally think it adds a bit of emotional expression to the art form, and to life in general in some cases *when used in context and not just because the word exists*. However, if a clean or edited version of a song or album is to exist, why not just change words around so that even the slightest innuendo that a curse word is being used is no longer present? *Bleeping* the word(s) out do not censor anything in my opinion.

Just to make sure my point is clear...my problem is not with curse words, or people using curse words. My problem is how these words are "censored." In my opinion...they aren't, and really can't be unless they just aren't used. Like...I know a PERFECT thing to compare it to...however I don't know if i'd be crossing my boundaries or not since it pertains to a certain part of social life I am not a part of, so imma leave that alone. *For those that actually get what I'm talking about in that last sentence...you see how I "censored" it...but it's not really censored, rather I just circumvented using the words to exactly explain what I was talking about??? hmmmm...I guess i just used a good example after all* I think yall feel me though. I guess people feel happy with the fact that maybe these words can't be seen nor heard...therefore it's "censored." But...hey...like I said...this is just how I feel.

Leave comments...hit me up...let me know what you think. HOLLA!!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree. Censorship does take away from the art. I'm glad my parents never made me buy "clean" CDs. Besides I was cursing since I was 5. I knew NOT to curse around grown folks, but amongst my peers.

Maybe thats why some kids are rebellious now...they're being censored. It would take an idiot NOT to know what's being said anyway.It makes them look stupid. I hate when people type those charactes too..I'm nigga I'm grown...say what u have to say..I don't take offense...LOL

Cuz sometimes a "FUCK" is just what need(pun intended...HA!)

I'm out...LOL

Jas said...

Clean versions to me were like a fill-in-the-blank vocab exercise. It's like profanity practice.