Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Talent Tuesdays: I Think He Can Dance

So...another hobby of mine...I dance. I have always known how to do the popular dances and such that would come out...and I could break them out in clubs, parties, or just on the school yard actin out. *walkin, clownin, a bit of poppin and lockin, walkin it out, pretty much any dance in ATL.* but i wasn't really introduced to choreographed dancing until my freshman year in college, and i turned out to be pretty good at it. I have to give a big ups to Julia Friedman for that, cuz I never would have even tried if she didn't come to me with the opportunity. She's been a huge help in just broadening my dancing skills, as well as with my overall appreciation with the dancing art form. She also happens to be EXTREMELY sick at dancing.

Well anyways...Julia is always posting dance videos on my facebook wall, which I always greatly appreciate. However, I just HAD to post this one she just posted on my wall!!! It's freakin' crazy. I think imma do this every Tuesday...just post dances and other talented stuff I really enjoy...just so you can understand me a bit more, as well as see some excellent and absurd dancing, as well as other things...but mainly dancing! Talent Tuesdays it shall be called. Yes.

But yea...yall please check this guy out. It's ridiculous.

One of my simple pleasures.


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