Thursday, June 18, 2009

Do Me A Favor...Call Me Jerk One More Time!

I've been labeled as such quite a few times. Mainly lovably...but even still. I would say it fits. I mean...not NATURALLY...that's being an asshole...but definitely playfully. the more natural side of me always seems to eclipse it...which is good for a lot of people, cuz real talk...


I have soo many jerk-ish thoughts that run through my head in different situations, it's ridiculous. lol...but i suppress them, not only cuz i think it better for society, but also because the more natural part of me, the friendly and sweet part of me *yes I'm a sweet individual...and what?*, rarely goes away and keeps them suppressed. Lucky for a lot of yall! lol.

Anyways...I say all of that to say this...

Imma make this song my theme song! And I'm learning this dance right now. Straight out of the fresh coast, my coast, my state, my city! Check the new song and dance!

Everyone can be a jerk!

P.S. yall know when an official video of a dance comes out...they never show the ACTUAL dance for any longer than 2 seconds in any given here's a video to get an actual feel for the dance.


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