Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Much like my boy LoLights Quote of the Day series...I will put up different quotes that I feel pertain to my life...and possibly other people's life. Yea...here we go...installment number 1.

--A great leap forward often requires first taking two steps back...and sometimes...all it requires is the will to jump.

Talent Tuesdays: So Amazing

Always a big fan of trick shots. But this is just OD. Like...WORD?!

Time To Let Us Through

Talent Tuesdays: No Need For a Subtitle

Monday, June 29, 2009


Today, I sent pictures to my ex of me and my new boyfriend in bed. He sent them to my dad. FML

Yea Just Get Violent!

Sorry. I had to post the live version as well. It's just OD.

Moment of Silence

Sunday, June 28, 2009

We Are Not Losers

It's about that time...


Real Talk Vol. FIVE: By Raise Of Hands...

Does anybody else find it funny when somebody...especially outside of your "circle"...speaks on something they THINK they are just so knowledgeable about...thinking they have "proof" and that they just COULDN'T be wrong about what they are saying...only to know in the back of your mind they sound so ignorant and silly, knowing if they knew the ACTUAL truth of what they were speaking, they'd probably end up crying, awestruck and wishing they never opened their mouth in the first place?

Does anybody else get tired of other people talking and talking, only to say nothing productive...but just feeding the plants CO2 and wasting their precious voicebox speaking negativity about other things/people?

Does anybody else wish people would stop being fairweather Friends...having your back/filling the duties of a friend when it's most convenient for them, only to leave you standing in the rain, and then adding unnecessary wind to the bad weather?

Does anybody else wonder why people can get so buck, live, and "honest" when under the influence of something other than life itself, yet cannot ever muster up the courage to say what they wanna say at 5:55pm when they're feeling nice and normal?

Does anybody else hate hearing one of your friends distressed, upset, sad, and anything else but happy, trying to find the words to say that'll make sure your friend feels better and happy...all the while clinching your fists and gritting your teeth on the other side of the phone, rapidly trying to figure out a way to best handle a situation to make sure that NEVER happens again?

Does anybody else feel like the high road is a bunch of bullshit sometimes, and just wish for a few moments you could find complete satisfaction in stooping down a couple levels and giving people what you feel they deserve?

Does anybody else feel me?

Does anybody else understand?

Tis all.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Double U...Tee...Eff...

I really cannot believe he did this. What's more, I can't believe the courtroom allowed him to do this! Just...wtf?

Brotherly Love

Back to the Birthday Shoutouts yall!!!

Now this one here is special to me. I mean...all of my birthday shoutouts are/will be...they are on my blog after all. But this is necessary to state that this is important!

I've seen this kid through 18 years of his life man...and I must say...he's growing up into quite the young man. I still remember the times he would copy, literally, EVERYTHING I did.

It's a trip man. Seeing him grow up the way he has. Even if I put it in words, a lot of yall wouldn't understand how much it really does mean to me. I love this kid yo.

Yea he's crazy...and can be annoying at times...but it doesn't even matter. I can relate to him moreso than a lot of other people. He, while he may know it or not, understands me. I definitely understand him. He truly is just like me. The stuff he's going through...the basis of his personality. Pretty much everything. He's outgoing. Funny. Quite the looker. He handles his business, yet loves to play. Respectable. You can obviously see I'm proud of him.

So...this birthday shoutout is going to my younger *I wanted to say little, but he's bigger than me lol* brother Austin Jerome McGuffie! *yes I'm using everybody's government in these shoutouts.* I love you bro! Here's to 18+ more years of brotherhood.

p.s. Clubs better watch out. We comin'!! lol

Just Rambling

I just had to say...I'm feelin legit confused. No BS.

If you know me...you know I love music...no...I LOOOOVE music! I live through music. I do everything through/with music. Yes, I mainly listen to hip-hop...but it's far from the only thing...I just...love...music. Everything about it. I always have.

A huge reasoning for my love of music is due to Michael Jackson. Real talk. like...REAL TALK! I remember being at my grandma's house...and she had this black Michael Jackson shirt I ALWAYS wore when I slept over there. And I would be in that shirt, trying to sing his songs and trying to do the moonwalk and the crazy spinning.

It's really sad how people are most remembered AFTER they died. I mean...just as a very small example...Dolla. Not to make him seem unimportant *R.I.P.* but rarely anybody knew him before he died. *By raise of hands...how many even know who I'm talking about?...don't worry...I won't judge you.*

Anyways...yo...I was watching all the tribute shows/music videos/news reports on Michael Jackson today...and it just gets me more and more sad as time goes by. Like...I grew up on this guy...still can sing a good majority of his songs by heart. It's crazy yo. Just thinking about how far music came thanks to him alone.

I think what really started hitting me was looking at how other people were reacting to his death. Like...I was fine at first. But finally getting a chance to see other people's reaction...it really is saddening.

From a musical standpoint...I mean...we just lost the biggest musical icon of all time...the definition of such a term. Like...wow. Even just watching his videos...everything just seems surreal.

I've been listening to his music all day. On repeat. It's just crazy man. I mean...I listened to it when he was alive...but does anybody else feel like everything he said has a much more deeper meaning now that he's gone? How come that's ALWAYS the case? With everything? Vincent Van Gogh...painter. Nobody appreciated his work till AFTER he died. Every great rapper...yes they were considered great rappers...but it's not until AFTER they die that they become untouchable legends. It's just crazy man.

I think what's most hitting me is how much his work went underappreciated. Don't get me wrong...I have always loved his music. But, it's not until he passed that I really was like...WOW...this is just ridiculous. Maybe I just feel like I underappreciated his music now that he's gone...which makes this all time-relative.

As yall may be able to see...I'm really just rambling right now. Trying to make sense of things if you will. Like...wow.

The older I get...the more I appreciate the value of life. I never really felt the pain of a death until my aunt died back in February 2008. I mean, I've known family members that have died, and other friends and acquaintances that have died from my school and whatnot...but I feel like I was young then, cuz it just really takes on another meaning most recently. I've never cried over a death. I've never really felt a heart-wrenching pain caused by a death or anything, the closest being my aunt. But the more I've gotten older...the more life just seems shorter and shorter...and more precious.

Add that with my love of music and music losing something truly great...I guess you can see where I'm going with that.

Or maybe not. Cuz I don't think I do.


I'm not depressed or anything either...it's just...mad crazy yo!

I just heard something that made me feel better.

Yall know my best friend Wesley. If not...I have a best friend named Wesley. Actually...see Friends.

Anyways...his parents are at my crib now...actin a fool! lol...anyways...they're talking about the Michael Jackson incident now...and they got on talking about him and James Brown and how we lost the both of them. This is what made me feel better. Just so you know...Mom is my mom...and Momma is Wesley's mom *yes I call her Momma*

Mom: "Michael Jackson is gone. James Brown is gone."
Momma: "And we're still here!"

Such a great way to look at it. They live on through us. :)

I really don't know what else to say right now. I really was just rambling. Besides...I have a VERY important enrty to post right now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Remember The Time...

Yea...so this is the first time I could get to my blog since my silly posts yesterday. First of all...I'll seriously continue my Throwback Thursday series next week. Second...there is obviously something more important to blog about.

Yes I know everyone is already on it...but yo...it could never be said enough.

Yesterday we lost probably the biggest music icon of our time. People like Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, and the like would not have the career they have without this man.

Yo...I used to try to dance like him ALL THE TIME!!! I'm still trying to perfect the moonwalk. I used to watch Michael Jackson Moonwalker on repeat all day! *don't front like none of yall watched that movie all day!* I'm more than sure EVERYBODY has at least FIVE of his songs committed to memory, and even that would be a shame.

He's truly the definition of 'Timeless.'

I'm trying not to make this sound like one of those cliche articles I'm sure you've already read...but I mean...what else can you say.

One sad thing about all of this...I feel like in the short term...like definitely over the next few months...his musical talent is going to be overshadowed by his lifestyle. All his scandals, his nose, and plenty of other things I'm sure is going to surface now that he's gone. Yes it's true...he definitely had a troubled life. He wasn't the greatest person ever. Nobody is really. He did his dirt, made his mistakes. True. But I really feel like all of that conversation should cease to exist. Let the man and his family rest in peace. We should just just bask in his music and legacy as we remember him as the GREATEST to ever do it! Period!

I hope my homegirl Marissa Mitchell is reading this. I know how much she loves him and his music. *notice I said loveS instead of loveD! He's gone physically, but he'll live through his music longer than we will...real talk* I partially wrote this for you girl! While we may not show it *I personally have a problem with showing emotion, I'm working on it though*, we are all cut deep by this unexpected loss. You Are Not Alone!

I know this is personally going to take a good minute before this actually hits me. That sentence alone should just underline the sheer impact of his death. As I realize it and it truly does cut deep, for some reason I just feel like it hasn't exactly HIT me...yall understand? Like I expect to see a news story in the next few hours saying how he miraculously woke up and moonwalked out of the hospital screaming...WHO'S BAD?!!!!!!!!

With that said...here's to the King of Pop. May your music rest in everyone's souls forever. *I know it will in mine!* Damn...

Michael Joseph Jackson
(August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009)

This is where I was going to post my favorite music video of all time from Michael...but my boy LoLights (see LoLights and check out his blog...it's sick) already posted it! So instead...I'm going to post my favorite song of all time by the man! Real talk...everyone listen to this song.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: 11 Years Old, Making A's and B's. And These Little Mommy's Can't Keep Their Hands Off Me.


Had to post this after posting the other video. hahaha I'm cracking myself up right now!

Gotta go to work. Imma post my real Throwback Thursday video when I get home.


Throwback Thursdays: I'm the...hottest...thing around. Neck full of bling bling like the Neptunes sound.

Yall don't judge me. lol

but this song has been stuck in my head for a minute now...lol so I had to post it.

Juggs Gotchaaaaa!!!!!

Straight Classic. My blog would not be complete without this video. If you haven't seen it...shame on you!!

Throwback Thursdays coming soon.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just Another Day Out In Sunny L.A.

New Video. Pacific Division. The Mayor. Check it out!

That last line..."You can only sight-see if you gotta past."...yea...that's gonna be a title for a blog entry soon.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So yea...another new blog series. Pretty self-explanatory. Usually they're gonna just come from the FML site...whatever I think is worthy of being put on my blog, I will copy and paste it here. If something happens in my life that's worth a FML...i'll put that here also. So yea. Here's the first one.

Today, was my birthday. After hinting for almost 2 months for a Wii, my dad pulls out a shiny new Wii Package. The only problem? The box didn't have a Wii in it. My dad gave me a Wii box with my VCR inside and a note saying "This is life. Once you think you're happy, someone crushes it". FML

Double U...Tee...Eff...

This video has inspired me to start a new section of my blog -- Double U...Tee...Eff *WTF for you slow people* I will post random crazy videos that, upon watching...the only thing that can go through your head is...wtf?

And this video is definitely the perfect video to christen this series of blog entries. Check it out.

Talent Tuesdays: LeBron Who???

LeBron...the king of trick shots...has been dethroned. No more words. Just check this out.

And no...this was NOT digitally altered.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Real Talk Vol. 4: Nice guys don't finish last...IMO

Helpful people really do go a long way.

As a person that has worked in some sort of customer service position - whether it be fast food, cashier, telephone representative - done plenty of volunteer opportunities, and just overall raised to be a nice individual, I feel like it isn't only highly impressionable upon other people, but also self-rewarding.

I can definitely say that other people greatly appreciate nice people. I know i'm always given compliments from other people due to how naturally nice I am. Personally, I always try to make it a point to be as nice as possible to people...and hearing from other people how nice I am makes me want to be even nicer. Now...amongst my peers, I may sometimes may come across as a jerk sometimes (see Jerk), but it's truly just being comical and moreso welcoming to other people. I know one of my homegirls Raydia (Ray-Ray) didn't like me when she first met me. *She'll tell you. lol* I used to make a lot of jokes...and that's how I always am. but once anyone gets to truly know me...if you're on my good side...i'm really a nice and caring person...that still got jokes. lol

ok...enough talking about myself.

So yea...I feel like many people need to make a more concerted effort to be nice. Real talk. Not on no sappy, emotional tip either. Like, just for real. I went to McDonald's to get up on their breakfast this morning *I LOOOOVE McDonald's breakfast!*, and i'm making my order...and the lady was just extremely rude! Like you can tell she did not want to be at work, and was very salty for working at McDonald's as a 30+ year old woman taking drive-thru orders. Like yo...that's YOUR fault, but you shouldn't take that out on the other people that just want some damn breakfast!

Don't get me wrong...sometimes people deserve rude behavior and whatnot...and by all means, in those instances it is alright to display such behavior...however sometimes people just go out of their way to be everything but nice. and honestly, it's quite sad.

Maybe it has to do with the cliche "Nice guys finish last." I'm sorry...and excuse my french...but that's bullshit! Maybe in the short run...maybe...but life isn't a 100 meter dash! And even in the short run...is it really worth it? Life is a marathon...you don't wanna run too slow cuz you'll lose...but you don't wanna run too fast...cuz then you'll just get extra tired...and you'll still lose.

"Slow *living* is better than no *living*. Fast *living* don't last too long...you gotta pace it!" Big ups to Lil Wayne - Carter II off of...well...actually that's obvious. lol

Anyways...I say that to say this. I feel like people need to realize that being nice is actually a good thing! And I don't just mean being nice out of your own convenience, but just overall nice. It really does work wonders for other people's day, as well as your own inner being. I'm telling you...I speak from personal experience. It goes a long way!


Swimming Through Shallow Waters: Father's Day Edition

Growing up in his shadow,
Shielded from the sun of life
Since I could grab a rattle.
And I still happily paddle
In the sea of wisdom and advice
Coming from the shadow I deeply hallow
Hoping it never shallows.

Wherever it went, I followed
Didn’t care where I was headed.
As long as my footsteps were embedded
Into my promised tomorrow.
Yes, my life directed
Still an amateur at best and
The shadow being my Night at the Apollo

I mocked it for amusement
Thinking it was a useful and proved
Way just to learn its moves
Down to its acuteness
Unaware it would behoove me
As I stepped into the sun
Trying to remember its movements
As a form of self-improvement

Then I saw how bright the sun was
And it blinded me
Blackened my skin, left me perspiring
Eyes closed, and arms outstretched
Didn’t expect it to be so grimy
Then the shadow returned timely
Just to remind me
That I may not have the guide
But it’s always behind me

Now as I heal from the sunburns
And blurred vision
I dive into the sea of wisdom and advice
For thirst quenchin’
As I fish through the words mentioned
I immerse myself in rehearsed smidgens
You versed when I first listened.

Now I see all along
You were preparing me for the time
I’d realize I’ll have a shadow of my own.
So Dad, this is a grateful and glad flow
To show my appreciation
No pizzazz though
Just a simple metaphor acknowledging
And thanking you for being my shadow!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures out there!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: Leanin' To The Side, But You Can't Speed Through. Two Miles An Hour, So Everybody Sees You

That was by far the easiest lyric I've given yet! lol...I had to do it though...I love that line. lol...anyways...I KNOW most, if not all, know what i'm posting.

It's that time of year...so I figured I would go on ahead and drop this timeless jewel of a track to start it off right.

Yea boi. Just had to mention...he's like my idol! lolol...nah but real talk...whatever I didn't learn from my father, I picked up from him. So that was a DEAD giveaway. haha...but yea...I don't get that nickname for no reason. ok...check it out.

For those that don't know...my nickname is Fresh Prince.


Real Talk Vol. 3: A thin line between friends and.....friends?

Ask yourself a question...

How many friends do you have? I'm not trying to make this a numbers game now *not to be confused with the NUMBERS game (see Man Rule #1).* But just think about it. Who are your friends? Why are they your friends? What do you guys do as friends?

Ok...now ask this question.

Out of your friends...how many of them do you consider TRUE friends? *Yes there is a difference in my opinion* For those of you that only thought about your true friends when I asked you how many friends you had, and are now going back to the first question to think who else you would consider a friend...that isn't necessary. Like I said...it's not a game or anything...it's just to invoke thought, so it would kinda help my point. So what makes them a true friend? What actions or circumstances has proven them to be a true friend, in your opinion?

Now I don't want yall to think I'm going to sit here and talk about how some people that you consider your true friends aren't your true friends or anything like that. I'm just ranting *for the lack of a better word* about some things i've come to realize. And I also said previously (see Birthday La Flare!...love ya CoCo :D) that I would speak on friendships and whatnot. so yea. just writing up to my word.

I must say first and foremost that I am truly blessed to have the friends I do have. Real talk. I'm usually the type of person that likes to shut my friends out when things get dark. I just want to stumble around the room and try to find the light switch myself without any help, knowing that I'd find that damned light switch eventually, running into walls and stubbing my toes all the while. I've always been that way *getting better though.* Yet...my friends always find a way to be there for me anyways, even if they don't know it. So...Thanks yall. Yall know who yall are.

So I just texted somebody happy 21st birthday not too long ago. We used to be mad close...so I think...anyways much closer than we are now. Which is partially what led me to write this blog now as opposed to later. But I was just thinking about who I considered friends and why. *I still do consider her as a friend by the way, don't get me wrong.*

But yea...have you ever just sat and reminisced how things were back in the day? Who you used to hang out with? Things like that? I say that now because I feel like...at my age...the people you consider friends now, especially true friends, you are pretty much going to keep for the rest of your life...so it's always nice to look at the past and see how things have progressed. I know for me...I've seen true friends stay true friends, true friends become friends, true friends become acquaintances, friends become true friends then back to friends for whatever reason, etc. etc. Basically i've seen it all, in regards to the people I've come across and played any sort of role in my life.

If you haven't noticed by now...my thought processes are VERY unorthodoxed, but they end up making some sort of sense in the end. So if you feel like i'm going nowhere...guess what...this blog isn't for you anyways!!! It's my blog! LOL i'm being silly. but see...yea unorthodoxed. I do want you to think about some of this though. It's healthy.

I guess I should explain some of my terminology. I am basically speaking on three friendship personalities: The acquaintance, the friend, and the true friend. The acquaintance is that person you see around...maybe in a mutual circle or something...you're cordial...speak in passing...maybe a facebook wall post here and there or something. Nothing too developed. A friend is all the above...but more developed. You have deep conversations, or conversations in general past how are you doing...hang out often...speak on a more personal level...both have an established level of trust...helps you out in certain circumstances...yea things like that. The true friend is all the above...and more. The true friend is that person that is down for you no matter what...almost like an unconditional trust for and from that person...yea you get my drift.

Also...I don't want people to get true friends mixed up with close friends. I know I didn't mention close friends...but whatever...i'm tired of defining now. lol ok no I'm not. When I mention close friends, I feel like that implies a time period. Like in a given time period...a school year for example...I mainly hang out with my school peoples. At the time...a few of them would be considered my close friends...but anyways...I say that to say this. At times in life...there will be times when you hang out with certain people more than others. It's life. For example. My boy Wesley. Still like my best friend to this day. After high school we haven't really talked or kicked it as much as we used to. We still do mind you, but not at the volume we did. And I have met more people and befriended some of them between high school and now...as he has. I have spent a lot of time with certain people I would consider close friends...but that will never take away the fact that he is still one of my TRUE friends. I know, despite the decrease in communication, if he ever called me and needed anything...I got him at the drop of a dime...and i know that feeling is reciprocated.

Another example...my homegirl CoCo...since I brought her up earlier. Unlike Wesley...we've never really been the closest of friends. But I consider her one of my true friends. I know if she called me needing anything...I got her. No questions. And if I needed anything...she'd be one of the few people I'd absolutely call.

On the flipside of that...I have friends I definitely would consider close to me...yet, at times of need...they would not be the first name to pop into my head as far as people i'd trust to call.

I guess I'm saying all of this to bring up this point. I think some people tend to get their friendship boundaries blurred. Not trying to judge who people consider friends, but I feel like people sometimes don't really understand what really goes into a friendship. It's more than just a label. It's more than just a convenient circumstance between two people. And it's mutual!!!!! That's why I asked a few of the follow up questions after asking who your true friends were or how many friends you have.

It's good to have friends. It's great to have friends actually. But I feel like everyone needs to be put in certain categories, not trying to be rude or anything, but it's a necessity. Everyone is very capable of being your friend, but very few are capable of being your true friend. Just like a man can pretty much date most females. But that male isn't going to fall in love/catch deep feelings for every girl he dates. It's unhealthy.

So, basically, it's good to know who your friends are. And it's good to know who your true friends are. Like as far as true friends go *imma just use that one as an example. Most of yall reading are quite intelligent anyways...so yea...you get my drift for the most part...and not trying to call you out if you're reading and you aren't intelligent...not that I'm calling you stupid or anything.......ok let me just stop now. lol* anyways...as far as true friends go...I think of it like this. If any of my friends called me at 3am with a problem, who would I immediately wake up to help with no hesitation, no questions asked? Vice versa: If I had a problem at 3am, who would be a person I'd call? Now...not to make anyone feel less important or anything...but let's be real. Most everybody would hear that phone ring at 3am and be like "YAWN! I'll check it in the morning." and go back to sleep. and also...I know a lot of yall would think "Psh. Yea I'm not calling THAT nigga at no 3am." and it's all good...as long as you know what place your friends belong.

Ok that's all on this topic...for now at least. lol Hope you enjoyed that read. Give feedback please. What you think? Your ideas?


Throwback Thursdays: Now Tell Me Whatcha Gonna Do When There Ain't No Where To Run

Should be fairly easy. Enjoy.

Probably put up another one later.


Do Me A Favor...Call Me Jerk One More Time!

I've been labeled as such quite a few times. Mainly lovably...but even still. I would say it fits. I mean...not NATURALLY...that's being an asshole...but definitely playfully. the more natural side of me always seems to eclipse it...which is good for a lot of people, cuz real talk...


I have soo many jerk-ish thoughts that run through my head in different situations, it's ridiculous. lol...but i suppress them, not only cuz i think it better for society, but also because the more natural part of me, the friendly and sweet part of me *yes I'm a sweet individual...and what?*, rarely goes away and keeps them suppressed. Lucky for a lot of yall! lol.

Anyways...I say all of that to say this...

Imma make this song my theme song! And I'm learning this dance right now. Straight out of the fresh coast, my coast, my state, my city! Check the new song and dance!

Everyone can be a jerk!

P.S. Ok...now yall know when an official video of a dance comes out...they never show the ACTUAL dance for any longer than 2 seconds in any given clip...so here's a video to get an actual feel for the dance.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Does Anyone Make Finger Condoms?

I feel like someone needs to invent them, cuz as textually active some of these teens are...I feel like the youth are going to start catching TTD's.

Yea...just read this story. Absolutely insane. like...WORD??


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Talent Tuesdays: We Gotta Make It Work

I don't know why I love this dance so much...maybe it's just the song. Or it's quite sick. but yea...off of SYTYCD. Check it out.


Okay...I need help.

I want to expand the...marginal paramaters *if that makes sense*...on my page. I don't like how everything is seemingly squeezed in the middle. Like I want to make the boxes bigger...and have the margins spread out. you know? just so everything isn't so crowded. but...I don't know how to do it.

So can someone help me???

Please. :) I'll greatly appreciate it.

Tis all. Holla!

Birthday Shoutout

Yea...so this person I never really knew personally. He touched many lives though, maybe even yours. Definitely died way too early. However, through his music *sometimes sadly*, and through the legacy of others...his life goes on. A hip-hop legend. In my opinion...the greatest of all time. This here is a birthday shoutout to Lesane Parish Crooks.

Oh. Yall don't know who that is do you? smh

Maybe a few of these songs will help you to realize who he is.


I love hip-hop. Everything about it. Especially when people have fun with their craft.

Slaughterhouse, an up and coming rap collective (Royce Da 5'9'', Joe Budden, Crooked I, Joell Ortiz) in my opinion, will do some big things for hip-hop in general. Listen to some of their songs. Their lyrics are just crazy.

However...they do have fun.

And this is hilarious!

Check it out.

Talent Tuesdays: Dancing to Computer Sounds

This is another video Julia put me on a couple months ago. Crazy. Check it out.

Oh and this isn't going to be the only Talent Tuesdays video I post today. I've decided to put up as many as I want on these days. Yea. Enjoy.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Walking In Deep Waters pt. 1

The perfect silhouette
No face, no features
An empty void
The shell of what could be
What should’ve been
What isn’t…

The light behind the figure
Illuminating the hope
The small chance
The possibility
And the maybe
Blinding me from the insecurities
The doubt
And the cold it embodies

It’s seeming darkness intriguing
The positive to my negative
Attraction inevitable
Yet it repels itself

Or am I standing still?
Afraid of the flaws
Rough edges
And imperfections I’m blinded from

In love with an outline
Complacent with the idea of perfection
But the darkness still intrigues me
So, I put my shades on
Ready to see the hope
The small chance
The possibility
And the maybe
Turn into an actuality
An assurance
A definite
As I make my way towards

The Perfect Silhouette

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birthday La Flare!

So yea...the second addition to my Birthday shoutouts!

Remember earlier in this blog in my entry titled "An Interview"...somewhere I mentioned I have an affinity for pretty people *In another blog entry...coming soon...I'm going to explain my use of "pretty"...I don't want to confuse or offend anybody*...well yes she's definitely one of these "pretty people"...in more than one facet.

This goes out to a Ms. Tocoa Jenae Geter *yes I used your government too girl!* HAPPY BIRTHDAY COCO!!!!! yea...we aren't the CLOSEST friends...but we are REALLY GREAT friends. *at least I think so. lol* I see some of her personality in me...especially with the way we treat our friends *I'll talk about friendships and whatnot in another blog entry as well. That'll be quite long so...when I have time...*

So yea...everybody show her some love! Facebook...hit her up...leave a comment here...however.


aw...we took this picture last year on your birthday!! haha

Friday, June 12, 2009

Forever 21

Yea...so when a special person in my life has a birthday...I am going to shout them out on my blog. I just thought of this idea now...so for those of yall that are special to me and had a birthday between the day I started blogging and now...sorry. I just thought of it now. I got yall next go round!

Ok...yea...this actually a fitting first birthday shoutout. Why? She's family!

A HUGE Happy Birthday to my cousin, Jasmine Lacy Bowles! *Yes I used your government!* She turns 21 today! Finally on her grown woman status...in the legal sense! She been grown. SHOOOOOOOOT! lolol *J.Bo will get how I said that. haha* So yea...for all my Lovejoy folk...Emory folk...or all random folk...whether you know her or not, show her some love. Hit her up...leave a facebook message...or just leave a comment on this post and i'll forward it to her! Either way...it's her day!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUZZO!!!!! I love you cuz! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: Just...Like...Uniblab....robotic kickin' flab!

Okay...anyone who truly listens to hip-hop should have known what video was posted before reading the rest of this entry. The title is a dead giveaway! Anyways...straight classic! Please enjoy!

And you know what...I'm feeling charitable today. How about we enjoy this as well! *Can you hear the bottles clinking?..."Come out and plaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaay!"*


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I'm a man that loves Hip-Hop music...and that love of Hip-Hop is only rivaled by my love for R&B music and basketball *minus my family and close friends*. Granted, I love music in general, however I truly love the culture of Hip-Hop and the sincerity of and emotion behind R&B. Anyways...one of my favorite artists is in fact, R. Kelly. His Chocolate Factory album is probably one of my most favorite albums. The guy is a legend!

He was one of my favorite artists up until a few years ago.

People have heard me comment on him plenty of times before, but to the cyberspace public, I am pretty sick and tired of Kelz. Right now, he just seems like R&B's next door neighbor that is always looking through your window...and you know he is a registered sex offender *no pun on his past situation.....sort of.*

He is a grown-ass man...that seemingly refuses to grow up. He's become...to me at least...a gimmick singer, which is never good. He follows the trend just to make an attempt to stay relevant, when his name is all he needs to keep him relevant if he was to actually stick to the good music he used to put out. Now, all this talk about him running the clubs, taking MY girl in VIP *that would never happen...and I do mean never*, popping bottles...like...my nigga...WORD?! Let's leave that for the younger people. And now, I don't know if anyone has heard or paid attention...but now HE is starting to use the auto-tune *If you know me...you know that I COMPLETELY despise the inappropriate use of the auto-tune*. Add all of that together...and yea...you get my drift.

Obviously...I'm not the only one who feels as such.

My boy Trey Songz actually sounded off on Kelz...using Jay-Z's D.O.A. beat. *Does anybody else feel like this beat is going to be the new "A Milli", where everybody and they mama gonna jump on it and spit?* I, personally, am feeling this! Yall check this out! Not sure if it should have been him to say it...especially since he gets compared to R. Kelly, which I can see...but somebody needed to. And he did a great job...it was quite entertaining. *Stamp of approval*


So I found the video on YouTube with the new track "Invented Sex" attached to it. I had to re-post it. I really like this song *this song could cause PROBLEMS*...however...just a question? How many hear this song...and picture Kelz singing it? lol Big ups to Drake!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Talent Tuesdays: I Think He Can Dance

So...another hobby of mine...I dance. I have always known how to do the popular dances and such that would come out...and I could break them out in clubs, parties, or just on the school yard actin out. *walkin, clownin, a bit of poppin and lockin, walkin it out, pretty much any dance in ATL.* but i wasn't really introduced to choreographed dancing until my freshman year in college, and i turned out to be pretty good at it. I have to give a big ups to Julia Friedman for that, cuz I never would have even tried if she didn't come to me with the opportunity. She's been a huge help in just broadening my dancing skills, as well as with my overall appreciation with the dancing art form. She also happens to be EXTREMELY sick at dancing.

Well anyways...Julia is always posting dance videos on my facebook wall, which I always greatly appreciate. However, I just HAD to post this one she just posted on my wall!!! It's freakin' crazy. I think imma do this every Tuesday...just post dances and other talented stuff I really enjoy...just so you can understand me a bit more, as well as see some excellent and absurd dancing, as well as other things...but mainly dancing! Talent Tuesdays it shall be called. Yes.

But yea...yall please check this guy out. It's ridiculous.

One of my simple pleasures.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Simple Pleasures

So I'm sitting on the golf course...well not really. I'm at the golf course, sitting at a table. lol whatever. Anyways...they're giving a few golf lessons to younger kids up here...so I took my 3 younger brothers up here to pick up on a few tips. I, personally, was trying to perfect my drive...the freakin ball keeps slicing to the right! IT'S SO FRUSTRATING! lol...but it's all good though. It's getting there.

So yea...their lesson is over now...and they want to hit the driving range a bit. So they're out there now...and i'm just sitting here on my computer...checking my e-mail and whatnot. So I'm looking at the boys golf...I look into the beautiful blue sky underlined by the peaks of the trees lining the driving range with the clouds swimming freely...and I feel happy.

Simple things like that really do go a long way towards happiness. I feel like people get so lost in trying to complete their goals, find a mate, become financially stable, and other things...thinking that once those things are found or accomplished, happiness will then ensue...when everyone can grasp a bit of happiness now and truly appreciate it.

It really is the simple things in life. Being able to appreciate beautiful scenery, doing something you enjoy *listening to music, laying pool side, being able to golf, etc.*, being able to watch your brothers do something they enjoy, just little things.

I challenge every one to do this...take a break from whatever it is you're doing...doesn't have to be a BREAK...but just a few minutes to yourself, and look out into space and let your thoughts cannonball into the sky as they swim with the clouds and drown in the cosmic scenery around you, creating a seismic wave of tranquility throughout your body and quenching the thirst of your soul. Now tell me...after you have done so...how much more relaxed and happy you feel.

Simple Pleasures. They make a world of difference. HOLLA!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Man Rule #1

Due to a recent disturbing video...I am now prompted to start a new section of my blog...Man Rules. In these segments, usually inspired by some event that most recently relates or occured to me at the time, I will be listing rules as to what men can/can't do, how men can/can't act, and what men can say/can't say. I may give examples to my rules as evidence and demonstration sometimes, other times i'll just leave it to the imagination to interpret as necessary. So...here we go.

Man Rule Number One is:

Never...Ever...EVER...challenge another man...or group of men...to a "grind-off!!!!!" There is nothing "manly" about that! NOTHING!!!!! As a man...you are allowed to challenge another man...or group of men...to the following: a duel, a race, Madden...Halo...or any other video game of your choosing, a basketball game or any other sporting event, a drinking contest, barbecuing, a card game, dominos, and "The Numbers Game." *if you're a guy...you KNOW what the numbers game is.* There may be a few more I missed, but you get the point.

A grind-off is not included!!!

I refuse to post the video that explains this atrocity on my blog...so if you have no idea what i'm talking about...just try searching for it by typing "Spectacular grind-off." That's all I can really say about that.

And if any man ever tries to challenge you to a grind-off...and i mean EVER...all you have to say is...


Friday, June 5, 2009

Oh my GOD!!! You have so many flavors!!!

This is just a hilarious video. For all my dudes out there holdin' their own crib...get your kitchen game right homie. This dude MrChiCity3 gives an example of what to do with your kitchen to ensure maximum comfortability for you and a special someone. So ladies...what kind of beverage are you?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: The Milks Was Chocolate. The Cookies...Butter Crunch.

So I have decided to put up a throw back music video every thursday. For one...it's just to remember back to the old days when we *readers my age* started watching videos. Two...it's so we can remember what music videos used to look like *before all the cookie-cutter videos with women, cars, and money that I'm SURE others besides me are tired of.* Three...The videos will usually serve to do two things...1) give you an idea of how I am feeling...and/or 2) just give an uplifting message to think about. Sometimes they will be just for enjoyment though. lol.

So...without further ado...I bring to you...Throwback Thursdays! Enjoy!

p.s. I'll put up a lyric or two in the title box that will help explain what video it is. See if you can guess it before you press play!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This one is for my golf fans out there. And if you aren't a fan...you should still check this out. lol

So...for people that don't know, I am a golfer. Like for real for real. Not talkin about miniature golf or Wii golf...I GOLF!! *they call me Cheetah Swamps in the hood. HAHAHA* but yea...I doooooze it.

Anyway...I'm on my yahoo checking my mail and keeping up with events going on in life. And I run across this golf course...designed by actual golfers...that has an "Xtreme" 19th hole in South Africa. It's absurd. Imma just post the story and let yall check it out. THE TEE BOX IS ON A MOUNTAIN!!!!


I love the way the green on this hole is set up.

Tis all for now. HOLLA!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Real Talk Vol. 2...Un-sense-ored

What's the point of censoring expletive language?

I never really got the point of that. Like, clean versions of CD's, radio edits of songs. I mean...why?

Even more annoying...replacing letters in a bad word with random @$$ symbols to make it seem like you're not cussing...WORD SON? Like you don't know what the f#*^ i'm talking about. N!&&@$

Ok...sorry about that...for those that have been reading my blog...I have been making a conscious effort to eliminate my use of foul language here in case of young readers and older readers and such, and just for personal improvement. I do believe I used @$$ twice a couple of entries ago...but those were for emphasis. Other than that...I've been doing pretty well.

But I have to make an exception for this entry *only to make a point, of course*. Cuz, as I said...I just don't see the point.

As far as typing or writing is concerned...Why the h*!! do people use these wack-@$$ symbols to get the f^$&ing point across that they are using "bad words?" The only thing these annoying excuses for letters do is make reading a tad bit more difficult for the readers, and make the person writing them look like an ignorant dumb@$$!!! Or people that use these f****** stars to replace the letters...like n***** can't count stars! Profane words are not mutha****** passwords you son of a b****!! Okay...once again I apologize...and this is not an angry barrage on those who actually do this, rather a satirical example of such action...but it's to make a point. Just because you decide to replace a few letters that are required to complete the spelling of a curse word with other characters does not mean you did not use a curse word...you just found a way to not spell it. Any person with eyes, reading skills, and an imagination can understand that. So...with that being said...are the curse words REALLY being censored?? I, for one, do not think so. They're just being misspelled...making the spellers seemingly illiterate and silly...and this is really more of a shot at society on placing such silly regulations on the use of expletives (media concerns, employer concerns, parental concerns...etc) than it is at the people who actually participate in such silliness as a way to circumvent those supposed prohibitions. So for those who actually do try to "censor" their cursing and may take offense to this...please do not do so. And I apologize if you do...however that is how I feel. Either use them...or don't. You are more than allowed to feel otherwise. However, if so, can you please inform me on why it's necessary.

Oh I'm not done yet!!

As far as bleeping curse words in music is concerned...That's just mad annoying. I forget which CD I bought one time back in the day *I'm pretty sure it was Tha Eastsidaz Duces n Trayz joint...so imma run with that*...anyways...I was mad excited to cop this CD...but my parents made me get the clean version...I was like 12 or 13 at the time maybe...or something like that...so anyways...yea they were real big in the west coast...huge buzz...bought their "clean" CD...I pretty much bought a blank disc. *big ups to Drake. To the Drake "fans"...do yall know what song I'm referencing here? yes....no...."Buzz so big I could probably sell a blank disc"...ring a bell...womp!! lol I'm mad silly* but yea...i just don't understand why people think because the profane word is *bleeped* out people won't know what word was there, or at least what kind of word was there. Let's think about it...why would it be *bleeped* out? It's not like the word "sunshine" will ever get bleeped out of a song. Aaaand...along with that...it just takes away from the music itself. If the radio...or edited cd's...are gonna just have bleeped out words...the rappers might as well just rap like Will Smith and not curse at all. Like...okay perfect example...check this out.

Question...by raise of hands, with all of those bleeps...and pretending you never heard the song before...how many can at least use context clues *and rhyming patterns* to figure out what was said?? *Sees raised hands* Okay...and for those that couldn't figure them out...here's how it really sounds...

Now, I am not opposed to the use of "bad" language. I personally think it adds a bit of emotional expression to the art form, and to life in general in some cases *when used in context and not just because the word exists*. However, if a clean or edited version of a song or album is to exist, why not just change words around so that even the slightest innuendo that a curse word is being used is no longer present? *Bleeping* the word(s) out do not censor anything in my opinion.

Just to make sure my point is clear...my problem is not with curse words, or people using curse words. My problem is how these words are "censored." In my opinion...they aren't, and really can't be unless they just aren't used. Like...I know a PERFECT thing to compare it to...however I don't know if i'd be crossing my boundaries or not since it pertains to a certain part of social life I am not a part of, so imma leave that alone. *For those that actually get what I'm talking about in that last sentence...you see how I "censored" it...but it's not really censored, rather I just circumvented using the words to exactly explain what I was talking about??? hmmmm...I guess i just used a good example after all* I think yall feel me though. I guess people feel happy with the fact that maybe these words can't be seen nor heard...therefore it's "censored." But...hey...like I said...this is just how I feel.

Leave comments...hit me up...let me know what you think. HOLLA!!!!

Real Talk Vol. 1...Fans Only Blow Wind

I think it's extremely funny listening to everybody rant and rave about Drake. "Oh I LOVE Drake. He's so cute! I love his music!! His songs are soooooo good!" *Real talk, no exaggeration* You love him...cool. He's cute...if you say so. You love his music...PAUSE RIGHT THERE!!!!!!

That is always so funny to me...cuz RIGHT after they say that, I say this..."Oh word?? Yea his music is on point. Comeback Season is ridiculous." Guess what they say.........

"What's comeback season?"

WORD SON!!!!!!!

Now I'm sure my boys Talton, Button, LO and Dame can feel me on this. But, I can't stand when people act like they are someone's *I just use Drake as an example now cuz he's the most recent* biggest fan...yet they don't do the proper research to see what he/she really is all about.

Like...everyone is making a huge deal off of "Best I Ever Had." Don't get me wrong...the song is a banger. But who is feelin "Special" off of Room For Improvement? Oh...haven't heard it?? yea...

How about his verse on "Teach U A Lesson" off of Comeback Season? No....

You're welcome.

I'm not angry or anything. I just wish people would actually be fans instead of jumping on the bandwagon with fans and perpetrating as if they have been. That goes with all artists...sports teams...just everything!! So yea...like I said with Drake being the centerpiece of this blog...for those that have only heard So Far Gone...or just "Best I Ever Had"...please check his other works. "Room For Improvement", "Comeback Season" especially. Holla!!

This kid is about to BLOW though! ...*pause*...

Imma start calling these little "rants" Real Talk Volumes. That sounds fun. Yes.