Friday, December 18, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: My oral illustration be like clitoral stimuation to the female gender, ain't nothin' better!

Back On My BS!!!

lol...Yea...Had to throw a classic up for the first one back! Enjoy.

Real Talk Vol. 10: Please Don't Stop The Music

As an avid fan of hip-hop music, I listen to pretty much EV-ERY-THANG. *Ev-ery-thang???* EV-ERY-THANG!! I listen to pretty much EV-ERY-THANG!!! (I know yall know what I'm talkin about and want to laugh. You can let out a snicker. Giggle Giggle MF!) Personally, I am a huge fan of lyrics in rap songs. I love being mentally stimulated/hearing witty yet informational punchlines/listening to people actually saying something as opposed to rappers throwing words together because their ending syllables happen to sound the same. Because of this, I usually listen to music that has that type of content (i.e. Wale, Lupe Fiasco, Eminem, Slaughterhouse, J. Cole, etc.).

Most recently, I've learned to fully appreciate all music under the umbrella of hip-hop as opposed to comparing what I didn't completely approve of with what I considered actual "hip-hop music." That includes the likes of Gucci Mane, Soulja Boy, even the silly rhymes of the hype man aka Waka Flocka Flame! Some people may have a lot to say about what I just said, but check me right quick and let me explain.

People like to express their own versions of art in the way they feel best fits them. To some, it may be through vivid and colorful lyrics that paints a moving animation in your head. To others, it may be through telling a story of their own life sans figurative language for others to relate to. And to others, it may be through simple lyrics with crazy bass to make people feel good. Whatever the case may be, each person is expressing themselves in the way they see fit. Think of a little kid who, in their opinion, is drawing a dog, but to you it looks like a tree. Are you going to tell that little kid that his rendition of that art is wrong? What would you say if someone else just so happened to agree with the kid wholeheartedly? Such is the relation to hip-hop music. People are so quick to put their own labels on what hip-hop is and on what it isn't that the entire culture as a whole fails to get embraced. No genre of music is as diverse or as representative of individual expression as hip-hop...yet at the same is also the most divided and unwelcoming of dynamic changes. Just because Travis Porter doesn't rap about the same type of music as Charles Hamilton doesn't make either of them any less a part of the hip-hop culture.

That brings me to my next point. All music isn't made for the same type of environment. Nas doesn't make club music. Gospel artists don't make music to get high to. Ice Cube isn't trying to come up with a new dance for the children to pick up on and do to EVERY song that comes out after. Cam'ron isn't trying to come out with a song without making up a new word that didn't previously exist! (lol just playin about the last one.) My point is...certain music is made to be played in certain environments. Unfortunately, the media and the music industry has so much say in what is played nowadays that is seems very skewed, however the distinctions do still exist. People make club records specifically to be played on the radio and in the clubs. Other people make music to inform society. Some make music for self-edification for others to relate to and hopefully grow from. You will never hear Wale's "Shades" joint played in a club, because it isn't meant to be a club joint, yet you might hear his "Pretty Girls ft. Gucci Mane" track. You possibly might hear Slaughterhouses "The One" track in a club, but you won't hear their "Raindrops ft. Novel" joint. People make music to fit different moods. With that, how is it possible to knock a certain type of music as "non hip-hop" just because it doesn't fit your idea of the genre, when the genre was founded on, not only the premise that we as black americans should have an avenue in which we could address the problems we were facing in society through a musical standpoint, but also the idea we could freely express ourselves. The boundary is pushed all the time: From establishing hip-hop in the first place, to Run DMC incorporating Rock, to NWA introducing Gangsta Rap, to Tupac and Biggie portraying their coastal beef, now to people trying to incorporate "Swag."

Basically, I finally stopped trying to compare the different subcategories that dwell under the umbrella of hip-hop and just started appreciating what was given to me...and quite honestly...I love all of it. People will tell you...I rock with Gucci Mane HARD! Only because I understand what he's delivering. I feel like others should do the same...just enjoy music for music...and stop being such harsh critics on what is given to us. Cuz I mean...let's be's not like ANY of yall are actually paying for it! Just kick back and enjoy...or dance and enjoy...or praise and enjoy...whatever mood the music puts you in!




What happened to my playlist?? This is absurd!

*getting to the bottom of it*

*taps the mic*

Is this thing still on??

Mic Check 1 2.

Yo...what's good everybody! Miss me? Probably not, huh? lol

Anyways...I'm back. Really this time. Like...really really. I've been using twitter like CRAZY...but I'm tired of having to limit everything I want to say in 140 characters. I'm on break from school until next semester...I have a lot of things to say...why not revive my blog!!!! It's about that time. So...Let's get to it!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Well...hello! Long time no see.

So my best friend (see below) brought up the fact that I forgot her birthday shoutout on my blog...which I didn't. My computer was actin slow and takin too long to upload the I thought I would do it later. But funny thing is...that was the last time I've been on the blog. So I sign in now to post her shoutout since it was just sitting in my drafts, and I realize I kinda...sorta...miss this site! Sorry I've been neglecting it soo much! I've had a busy life though, so I haven't had much time to actually sit and blog about something. I write little things, like twitter. Like now, I have an exam to study for, and look what I'm doing! lol...but I just wanted to say hi, and I miss you. No not the blog, but you, the readers that actually get a kick out of the stupid things I have to say and actually believe some of it is quite intelligent. lol but yea...I gotta get back to studying now. I'm coming back though. I promise. :)

Shoutout to LoLights! My nigga, how you been man? Expect a phone call from me soon...once my phone is actually working without problems. lol

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

*insert island gun shots here*

Man...SHE'S SO YOUNG!!!! lol


I still remember when I first met her with all of her bags ready to go to our pre-orientation retreat at Emory! I was her first friend!!! lol. That was 3+ years ago.

She's probably one of the few people more random than I am! and yes...she's random!! but it's all good. That's why we get along so well. We're mad random and have crazy silly moments together, but she's one of the few people in my life that has shown me what real friends are for, and is partially the reason I am such a good friend to those I consider friends today! *at least I think I'm a good friend.*

I'm going to see her now, she doesn't know it yet! lol...but yea...I can't just suffice with a blog post on her birthday! But, you know I gotta show love! So yall should too. Hit her up, twitter, phone, whichever you prefer. but hit her up! IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!!

So, a Happy freakin Birthday to my best friend, Braeanna Marie Hillman!! I miss and love you lots! *but I won't miss you anymore since I'm coming to see!*

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Life's about who make it, not about who make it the fastest.

--T.I., "Drive Slow"

I am now living by this quote. Real talk.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


"Watch out for the McGuffie brothers. They are so fine!"

--This girl at G. State who has a friend that goes to school with my little brothers. She saw us at our little brothers' football game, and told the girl at State. She told a girl we all know!


Monday, August 24, 2009


That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.

--Henry David Thoreau

Friday, August 21, 2009


Today, my 6 year old daughter somehow learned about sex. She also had the open house at her school where she meets her new teachers. When the teacher asked where she came from, she said, "My daddy's balls." FML

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: Shake 'Em Up, Shake 'Em Up, Shake 'Em Up, Shake 'Em!

I gotta's really in regards to this whole week...but all in all...

The Sky Is NOT The Limit!

I've been highly intrigued by this for the past couple hours, and I've been tweeting it like crazy! (yea...check my twitter updates on the right side of the blog and follow if you aren't already. It's ok...I don't bite. lol) Anyways...I'm taking an astronomy class at State, and after doing a portion of the reading tonight...i'm just extremely curious now.

Mainly, I'm curious about the universe. How big is it? Will it stop growing? Will light ever hit a "wall"? What will happen when it does? Is there another universe beyond this one? Does the universe stretch into eternity? Just so many questions.

I was watching this video about how far things are in our universe, and I happened to find it pretty cool, and wanted to share. So look. It's mad intriguing. Well, okay I'll say this first. I'm having one of my nerd moments right now. I'm a closet nerd when something intrigues me enough to be so, this being one of these moments. So if you aren't a person with a general thirst for knowledge, a person interested in space, or just a person who likes the stuff I post (lol) you probably won't wanna watch it. However, it is still interesting! Check it.

100th Post

This is my 100th post! So for my 100th post, Imm keep it 100! Yea...thanks for yall that have been keepin' up and checkin' out what I've had to say. I know I may not be the most interesting person in the world, or the funniest, or the smartest, or anything like that, but I do it anyways! lol. Even though I don't get mad comments or anything *don't worry my feelings aren't hurt. lol*, it's just satisfying to me that people are, at least, reading it...I just hope I have been able to touch somebody's life with anything off my blog. Whether it produces a good laugh that clears the clouds from your gloomy day, causes you to truly think about how you are living your life in itself, informs you on a topic you had no idea about, introduced you to a part of life you were unfamiliar of, gives you insight into who I was a person and who I am growing into, or simply provides you with an escape from your day, I hope you do get SOMETHING out of it.

I'm not being sentimental either...I'm just sleepy! lol I really am though. I'm fighting Sleep right now, and I just gave it a right hook to the jaw! So i'm taking this time to taunt now while he's stunned before he gets his second wind and TKO's me, knowing this is a battle I will NEVER ultimately win. lol besides, there are still two more posts I wanna put up now before I knock out, cuz I got a days comin' I may not be able to get on here.

But yea...big ups to those who stay reading the those who leave comments...those that give me ideas to blog about...and those who shout me out on Twitter/their blog/facebook/etc. Huge ups to LoLights, J.Bo, and Shotty (Cannonball) for inadvertently keeping me on the blogging tip with their blogs. And yea...if you didn't get a personal shoutout...please don't get all soft or nothin on me. I love yall nonetheless. And I've been checkin' for yalls blogs. I'll start leavin' comments there too! *Jas, Chioma, Finis....*

Okay I think I covered pretty much everything I wanted to hit on. Just thanks for tuning in, and be sure to stay tuned. J.B. Charisma is still coming with heat, controversial topics, funny anecdotes, inspirational quotes, and everything else! Spread the word about me! And remember, "It's not what you say, but how you say it!"


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


If dollars make sense to you...I assure you that your lifestyle will be BROKE! Let your sense make dollars people!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Man Rule #4

Please do not settle for being "Boyfriend #2"!!!!!

I already find it annoying when ladies feel they need a second (+) boyfriend, but it's even more annoying, as well as degrading to my gender, when I hear males actually referring to themselves as such or try to put themselves in a position to be so. I mean, word?!

First of all, when has it EVER been alright to be second? I was always under the impression that "Second place is the first place loser." By being this "Boyfriend #2", you're really being a loser! A LOSER!

Secondly, do you not have the confidence to get your own girl? You have to go after someone elses to get off? You're actually comfortable with renting? Do you think you are leasing to own? Nah, you're renting, and eventually you'll be evicted, or your lease will expire, and you're okay with that?

Now, if you are okay with this and don't mind being this so-called "Boyfriend #2", then okay. You can stop reading this right now. This series is called MAN Rules, and any real MAN would not settle for being second best in a female's life. So deductively, you'd still be a lil nigga; so please proceed with your life.

To those that actually like to see yourselves as men, let's be real now! There is nothing masculine about being #2. Real talk, and excuse my French, but you're being a bitch! Or maybe I'm just one of a few men that doesn't wanna be where some other man's penis happens to be on a regular basis. I don't see the point. Especially when there are SO MANY other qualified women in the world that would love your attention and time.

Think about it this way. Let's say you happen to be that ONE lucky guy that was upgraded from #2 to #1. Will you be able to sleep comfortably at night knowing that you got what you wanted, or would you be up wondering who her NEW #2 is? If she was able to make you a #2, what makes you think she can't do the same with someone else? Another scenario. Let's say you decided to make some female your girl. You actually put the time in to make it a serious relationship. How many believe in karma? How would you feel if, even though you may have done nothing to her previously, she went out and got a #2? Would you be mad *although you'd be a hypocrite if you were*, or would you just be ok with the fact that you're still #1 *which would make you a bitch*?

Personally, I could never be a "Boyfriend #2." First of all, if I was gonna put myself in that position, I would not like the fact that I'm considered #2. I mean, I'm a top-notch brother, at least I'd like to think so. I got a good head on my shoulders, healthy, intelligent, empathetic, easy to talk to, extra understanding, caring, and blase blase. So why in the world would I...oh and mad handsome! lol *for those that wanna say I'm cocky or conceited or something like that, just save it. I really don't care. I'm just sayin what I feel and what others have told me*...but why in the world would I settle for being somebody's #2 when I can be somebody else's #1 and be damn good at it? I know I'm not the only one that feels that way. Also, women are ultimately looking for that type brother that will compliment them and could potentially be a life partner, and I PROMISE you, if you are allowing and settling yourself to be a #2 in a female's life now, what is the chance any female will see you as ANYBODY's undisputed #1?

I also happen to be a firm believer in karma. You get what you put out. You reap what you sow. All of that. I believe in it, and trust me, it's through personal experience that I can say that. So with that, I could never get into a situation with someone I know already has a significant other. I try my best not to be a hypocrite, and I know I'd be livid if I found out my chick happened to be messin' with some other dude on the side. So I'm not gonna be the type of person I'd be mad at. *Typically, I'd mainly be mad at the chick anyways since she's more responsible. But most times, dudes know the girl is in a relationship. They just don't care. As long as they smash...kinda sad...*

With all of this, at the end of the day, boyfriend #2 seems like a triflin' type nigga though don't he? I think so. lol

Now I'm not judging anybody that happens to love being in that position either. Just simply stating my beliefs on how a MAN should act. So for those who happen to be boyfriend #2 right now, or is trying to get themselves into a position to be so, do not take personal offense. I'm just speaking on my personal views and ideas of such a title in regards to being a man. You do you. I'm just sayin' though...

And ladies I don't care what Pleasure P got to say either, but "if you got a man and a 'buddy' on the side" you should NOT be saying YEEEAAAA!! Lowkey, it's just a subliminal message "allowing" you to act like a garden tool, which is never acceptable. Just keeping it real. More power to you if you like having multiple boyfriends though. If you got the power to have men wanna be with you when you're with someone else...hey work it. I'm just sayin' though...

Big ups to B. Meagley for inspiring me with the idea to write on this topic.

Talent Tuesdays: Faster Than A Lightning Bolt

This is so damn talented, I had to post it in another language. Just...OD!!!


If you can't get a girl based on just your first and last name, you have a PROBLEM!!

--My boy Stukes!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Beginnings

So today was my first day at GA State. Took a semester off from Emory and transferred. So yea...onto my day.

It's great being in school with my brothers again. I don't know what it is...but things just feel much better when they're around. I love it! But and Austin have class M-Th morning at the same time, so we'll be walking together pretty much everyday. *yea yea...yall wanna say how cute that is right...ok ok go on ahead and get them over with. lol* but that's good cuz we can check each other to make sure we get up and out every morning. First of all, it's been a while for me walking to class in the morning, so the feeling almost...almost...felt fresh and new. But secondly...I'm back in the city!!! For those that don't understand...I'm from Long Beach, California. I'm a city boy at heart. I'm used to things being walking/bike distance. Also, I may sound crazy, but I love the sounds of the city. I love hearing police sirens *unless they're behind me* and helicopters and horns blaring and people yelling! I love it. Just being able to walk in that atmosphere really feels like home. When I moved to GA, I moved to a tree-infested, deer-habitated, uncharted territory in the boondocks of Clayton County, where the only sounds I heard were crickets chirping, and the only place I could feasibly walk to was my mailbox. Yea...just picture my misplacement. Don't get me wrong, I've grown into it now after being here for five years...but I digress.

So my first class begins at 10. I go in, take my seat...and then it hits me. Yo...I'm in school again! It wasn't necessarily the shock of actually being in school or anything like that, but the fact that I was in class, with students, and a staff teacher randomly assigned to teach this class, with my backpack *YES IT'S BACKPACK...NOT BOOKBAG!!!!!* and stuff...ready to go. It was kinda crazy. So yea...the teacher seems pretty straight. Real straight forward, a bit silly. A good little mix ya know? In and out in 25 minutes. It's the first day...yall know how that goes. So I walk out into the plaza where all the other students who don't have class seemingly chill and, as they call it, "people watch." So I start to walk around, peep the scene, just take in my new environment. After a while, I ran into one of the homies from Lovejoy High School and his sister who I know. Dapped them up and hugged...met a cool chick that was hangin with them. And, I proceeded to people watch with them. I didn't have class again for another hour and a half, so we kicked it. Talked about ball, the school, he was schoolin me a bit on the people there, and then those three decided they wanted to give me a tour of the need-to-know spots. They was real cool wit it, and I appreciate it greatly. So big ups to Keith, Ciera, and Sarah. Afterwards we chilled for a bit longer until my class at 12.

Second class. A philosophy class. Lovely. I love thinking. Teacher seems VERY reasonable. NO PAPERS!!!!! Holla atcha boi! but it was cool. Went over the administrative course. Filled out this sheet in which he asked us our name and classification and stuff like that, but also asked us our opinions on certain philosophical doctrines we will be covering over the semester. I decided to actually get deep on most of them, it's been a minute since I could flex my intelligence and ability to expound, so I took full opportunity of it.'s the nerd in me. Then we had a group activity in which we discussed those same doctrines on that sheet of paper amongst ourselves. It was a fun discussion, hearing other people tactfully expressing their opinions. Then we left. lol

So after class I make my way to the plaza to get up with Drew who was already out of class. So I meet up with him, and we begin to, as they say, "people watch". lol We both didn't feel like making the trek back home, and me and Austin had already planned to hit the gym and begin our workout regiment after he got out of we kicked it until Austin got out of class. He finally got out, and we still kicked it for a few minutes! was the first day so we just wanted to see what was poppin, what the females were lookin like *which happens to be the premise for my previous post lol...not that I didn't feel that way before, but today more than furthered my conviction. lol*, and just talkin as brothers do. After a while, Drew dipped to the crib as me and Austin headed to the gym. As we're on the way there, a young lady approaches me carrying a load of books, lookin' all uncomfortable, and kindly asked if anyone would like to help her carry her books. Being the gentleman I tend to be for some reason, I decided to help her out...besides, I knew I had seen her before, so I wanted to figure out who she was. So we're walking and talking, and it turns out I had seen her at a party I went to a couple weeks ago. We realized who we were, and just talked school and life. After I dropped her and her books off, I bid her farewell and headed to the gym.

On the way to the gym...I became re-familiarized with how bold females can be. So I'm walking right...just mindin' my own business, whistlin and skippin in my own mind...and I hear this "Hello!" I turn around, and one out of a group of four ladies begins to approach me. She was like, I'm Alexis, what's your name?! "J.B." "Real nice to meet you. See you guys *talking to her friends* there's nothing wrong with being friendly." "Oh, nah there's nothing wrong with being friendly at all!" "Oh I know that. I'm extra friendly! Especially to attractive looking men like yourself." "Oh. Well thank you." "So are you a freshman?" "No I'm a transfer." "Oh from where?" "Emory." "OH REALLY?! Damn so you're cute AND smart!" "*smiley face* yea I guess. I manage." "Oh I'm sure you do." "Yeaaa...well nice to meet you guys. I actually got things to do." "Ok bye! I'm sure I'll be seeing you around!" *briskly walks away* and THEN...I'm walking down the street...and I see these three girls walking towards me on the opposite side of the street...but i'm chillin...tryin to meet up with my brother. "PSSSSST". I didn't know what that was. "PSSSST." I turn around...sho' nuff...those same girls across the street are lookin' at me...basically walking I wave to be courteous, and keep on movin. "PSSSSST"...I turn again... "Hey Baby!" "Hello!" *chuck deuces and continue walking.* It was so funny. lol. anyways...after that...met up with Austin, worked out, then walked home and relaxed for the rest of the night.

All in all...I love my new learning environment. I got my brothers there with me...and we've gotten extra close! So's refreshing to be back in a learning environment after a nice break from it *very therapeutic*, a new and more familiar environment, and the girls are ridiculously bad!! can more than likely chalk it up to it just being new faces...but I don't care. Some of them are just BAD!!! BAD BAD BAD!!!! lol but yea...i'm not doing this every day...actually...i'n not doing this for any other school day unless it's mad interesting. lol...but yea...I know a few people will wanna know about the first here it is! :) Hope you enjoyed! lol




Love them.

Absolutely love them.

I just wanted to say that.

Nothing more.

So females...

I love you just for being females!

Yall are crazy!

But I still love yall.

A lot.

I'm not in love with yall though.

Don't confuse that.

But I love yall.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today, my girlfriend named my penis "little baby carrot." FML


Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to: Raise Our National Education Level

I'm pretty sure that if we had more teachers like this guy in Georgia, it's education ranking would soar above any other state in America today. It's a shame though that we do not have teachers like these. Check this guy out...teachers need to be more like him.

Just a fun fact that's not so fun, Georgia is currently ranked 49th in education in our nation. Boo.

p.s. What did the five fingers...say to the face?????

p.p.s starting a new section. called How To. Yea...


Friday, August 14, 2009


Today, I was on the phone bragging to a friend about losing my virginity last night. When I went downstairs, my 6 year old sister was digging through my purse. She explained that she had overheard my conversation and wanted to help me find my virginity. My mom was in the kitchen with us. FML

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: My Pops Knew Exactly What He Did When He Made Me, Tried To Get A Nut And Then He Got A Nut, And What?

You can't do it! No matter what. You can hate on it. You can talk about it. You can ignore it. You can do almost whatever you want to it. CAN'T do this.

I can't think of a witty title. lol

Even if yall don't know about this certain situation between two rappers right now, he explains everything pretty well. I, in my spare time, have been a bit up to date for the most hearing this take on the situation is actually quite refreshing. I'm really just posting this for myself. lol...but you should check it out as well, especially for my erudites that love to intellectualize situations for the sake of boasting your intelligence while maintaining an equal level of sarcasm to make others, especially those involved in said situations, seem imbecilic.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Let's Get Juggy With It!! Nana-na-na-nana-na!

It's about that time I post the second version. Of what you ask.....

This is why tattle-telling was bad as a child...

Funny video. Check it out! Like I said...I'm stayin silly day. As ATLiens would call...I'm on my stupid silly swag!............smmfh

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blood Is Thicker Than Ice

As I depart for the know I can't go without doing this.

Another birthday shoutout to a fellow McGuffie.

Real talk...I really can't picture any moment of my life before his birth. For as long as I can remember, he's been there. It's almost as if he's like my twin...but he's not. lol. but yea's funny. We're almost like polar opposites in a sense. I'm very outgoing. He's not quite so. I love dancing. He doesn't. He loves hats. I can care less about them. I love keeping peace. He just makes sure his point gets across at any cost. I love to push myself to the most of my abilities, yet fail to understand what my limits are sometimes. He will rarely push himself, yet he is fully aware of his capabilities.

But we ALWAYS have each other's back. Always. We'll listen to each other most times before we listen to our parents. lol but yea man...this my brother man.

Happy Birthday to yet another younger brother that's bigger than me, Drew Aaron McGuffie!! Kid turned 20 today. Show some love!

Picture may be a bit blurry...but whatever, you get the point!

Checkin' In

Quick update. I am trying to get my stuff together so I can post regularly...but honestly, besides being busy...i kinda like it this way. A lot of my actions are emotionally-driven, so to speak. Meaning, I only do things when I really feel like it. Don't get me wrong, I feel like hitting this up and keeping up with it regularly. It's a great release and way to keep in touch with everyone. But I got other stuff to worry about first, so I really feel like handling that first. Also on that point, I have a LOT of stuff semi-prepared to put up here. But I'm also not in that serious of a mood. In the past, I wrote a lot of that serious stuff because I was, for some reason, in a very serious, real-life mood, so it was easy to get those done. Now, I'm more on the just giddy and happy side of life. So my next few posts will be of the hilarious type. I can't stay serious forever...yall know that! lol...but when I do finish those posts *I got Real Talk Vols., Man Rules, and a poem in the works*, trust they gonna be rich. but i'm not in that type mood right now, so I would be doing those entries a disservice. so until then...imma be silly. It's the end of the summer. Let's end it with a kick and a giggle. :)

-- J.B. Charisma

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Obey Your Thirst...

So I saw this commercial like sometime a week and a half ago...or something like that. It's about time I posted it on here. Hilarity! with a bit of Absurdity! as well. lol In all honesty, it's VERY disturbing. I know the females will all have the same look on their faces at first. Just fyi...this is a banned commercial originally made in Europe somewhere. lol ok now watch.

*Warning. Viewer discretion is advised.*

So who still wants to drink Sprite?

Throwback Thursdays: Penthouse Suite, Penthouse Freaks, In House Beach, French Countess, Ten Thou Piece

First time back on this in a while...thought I'd keep it simple, yet true. lol Enjoy!

Man Rule #3

Take responsibility for your actions!!!

I was at dinner with @CoaJenae and @_JBo when I was inspired to write this topic.

It's really quite simple, and it doesn't need to be written...but I'm going to write this anyways as it is always a good reminder, as well as a way for higher self-edification.

If you did something...damn...just say so. There ain't no need to try to hide what you did. No need to deny it. No need to water it down. No need to be vague about it. Just be real about it. It is what it is. Men always think they gotta get away with doing it's a notch on your belt for doing so. That's just immature, real talk. Man up.

For those men that are "man" enough to have unprotected sex, and then "accidentally" get the girl up! I see too many single mothers out there because the man responsible either straight dipped on her, claimed "that baby is not mine" on some Maury type ish, or is around and just not taking part in they're life...all the while with some other chick bout to start a family with her. Yea, there are other scenarios...females trip too...but I'm speaking to the men right now. No matter what the situation is, we as men need to man up to our actions.

You feel like you need to cheat, damn just break up with your chick. So simple. Why go through all the sneaking around with having that side chick, all the while lyin' to your main just to save your skin? And then when your main confronts you, askin' what you doin, why you gonna deny it, just allowing more room to hurt her in the end? If yall haven't noticed, when the woman asks you if you sneakin' around, 8 times out of 10 they already know, and just wanna see you can be a man about it.

I'm not sayin' let's we as men stop making mistakes. We're human first...and as humans...things happen. It's life. We're gonna mess up. There's nothing wrong with that. That's what forgiveness is for. That's how you learn. But, when stuff does happen, let's man up and take responsibility for what happened. What do I mean by "man up?" Being able to admit wrong in what we are responsible for...being able to accept the consequences of our actions as opposed to trying to duck and dodge them...being able to maintain honesty and integrity (especially integrity) in any and all situations...being able to stand firm in what you believe in and not waiver with the wind...understanding what is more important in the grand scheme of things and acting accordingly...knowing when to put your pride aside...and so on and so forth, I'm sure yall get the gist by now.

All a man has is his word and his balls. In other words, if anything, the two things that should matter most to men are what they say, and what they do about what they say and how they do it (and keeping your balls intact of course. lol). Let's keep that in mind.

Let's stop with all the BS and further propellin' the negative image of men around the world. Let's be up! I guarantee you, people...male and female...will have SO MUCH MORE respect for you if you do.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Talent Tuesdays: The 'O' with the Crown boy LoLights already posted this...but I wanna post it anyways. Yea...more dancing. Crazy. I think he was on one! lol

Real Talk Vol. 9: This Is Mainly For The Females...but Everyone Should Read This

This, I feel is very important for yall to check out! My aunt Kendall wrote this...and I asked her permission to share this on my blog, which she agreed to. This really goes for far as overall health is concerned...however...this is REALLY tailored towards females. Please read.

Before I post this...I just want yall to know that this is actually something VERY close to my heart. I can't even put it in words. I'm actually tearing up right now as I'm posting this. You'll see why as you read. If you don't take anything I've said on this blog seriously...I ask that you please take this seriously.

Ok, everyone. I usually don't blog, but after watching the aforementioned segment *Black in America pt. 2*, I feel compelled to share my experiences and urge women that I know to educate themselves more on this issue. As young women, I do not believe we fully understand the importance of our health and maintaining it as a priority. Although I am aware that Breast Cancer runs rampant in the black community, I tend to push it aside to deal with more immediate issues in my life. February, 2008, I received a phone call from my sister, Sonja, with whom I had recently become close after the birth of my daughter in 2000. I sensed something was wrong, but I was eager to hear from her. She then proceeded to tell me that she had terminal cancer, and had been in the hospital for more than two weeks, and she had just mustered the courage to call and tell me. I was shocked at the scream that came from within me; I did not know that I had the capacity for it to be so powerful.

The following day, two of my brothers and I traveled to Hanford, which is approximately 3 hours north of Los Angeles. I had to see firsthand what was going on, and to get a visual of this horrible reality. Upon walking into her hospital room, I saw what I thought was a woman who was at least 7 months pregnant, with extremely edematous lower extremities—until my sister turned toward us and spoke. We later found out that the cancer, which originated in her right breast, had rapidly spread to her bones, lungs, liver and abdomen. The doctor informed me that even with aggressive chemotherapy, which she declined, she would survive another three months, at best. My sister was in pain so intolerable, it hurt when she exhaled, and was even worse when she spoke.

Monday, February 4, 2008, after visitors had gone for the evening, I put a warm blanket over my sister, turned her television on, and moved the recliner that the hospital provided for me closer to her bed. She laughed while I cracked jokes; it was my way of trying to soften the blow of what was told to us earlier in the day, and to ease her into accepting the inevitable in such a short time. She wrote on a piece of paper that she was scared, that the outcome was unfair, and she needed to be here for her children. I assured her that if she were to pass, I would become responsible for her 26 year-old developmentally disabled daughter and her then 17 year-old son. She turned and smiled at me, and I told her never realized how much she looked like our mother until now. She politely flipped me “the bird” and settled back in her bed, attempting to get some sleep for the night. I grabbed my sister’s hand, told her I loved her, and we both went to sleep- still holding hands.

Earlier that night, Sonja kept removing her oxygen mask to talk, and I would run over to her and put it back on her face and told her to shut her mouth and to write whatever she needed to tell me. I was awakened by the rush of nurses into the room, who informed me that her heart rate was dropping rapidly, and they needed to perform CPR. Before I was escorted out of the room, I touched her hand and it was ice cold. Any glimmer of hope I had of them saving her was now gone. I sat in the waiting room down the hall. Fifteen minutes later, at 1:01am, the nurse entered the waiting room and told me she was sorry, and their attempts to resuscitate her had failed. I visited my sister shortly thereafter, and was surprised at the courage I had to enter the room, knowing that the person that I adored all of my life, had given up fighting her battle with cancer, at the age of 48.

My niece told me several days later that Sonja had noticed a lump in her breast several months before, and had gone to get a biopsy, but never returned to the physician for the results.

I apologize if this note is lengthy, but I cannot begin to express the importance of us as women to have regularly scheduled mammograms. The earlier cancer is caught, the better the odds of survival. I encourage everyone, male and female, to urge your mothers, wives, sisters, aunts…..WHOMEVER….to schedule an appointment. The pain and inconvenience one may experience during a mammogram/biospy is incomparable to the pain of cancer ravaging your body.

Needless to say, I’m quitting smoking. It is gonna be a hard road, but I want to be here for me….. and everyone else.

Just wanted to weigh my opinion

I may get a little backlash for this...but oh well. This whole "voicing my opinion" thing I've started to do on a more normal basis recently has gotten me into a LOT of trouble before...I'll be aiite. lol

but before anyone wants to comment or completely dismiss everything I'm saying, I ask that you read this all the way through and truly think deep about this...ok?....ok.

Chris Brown.

*I already hear all of the "Ahh HELL naw!!!"s*

But when is everyone gonna let this go? Yea he screwed up, royally I might add. But how long are we gonna dwell on this?

First of all, I see people commenting about how they won't forget what Chris Brown did like they personally got beat by him. He didn't do anything to yall. He doesn't even know yall. So why act so hurt by it? That was probably ok back in February when it happened, but it's July now going on August. Be real.

Secondly...why are people so caught up on what Rihanna is doing? Yea, she been chillin' with Chris it seems. Why? That's beyond me. However, if that's her decision, then yo...leave that be. Obviously she's gotten to a point where she's gotten past it and wants to move on with her life how she sees let her do so. It seems like she's forgiven him, if not completely then at least to a certain extent. So why can't we? And nobody should sit there and say, "I could never forgive something like that!" BS! The only thing that's unforgivable is speaking blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. *but I'm not gonna go there* Any other crime, sin, wrongdoing is very capable of being forgiven of. So if Rihanna can forgive, as it seems she's done in some capacity, what's stopping you? There's really no excuse.

Chris Brown made a very huge mistake. There's no denying that. And he's paying his price for it. So why can't we all just let him learn from his mistake and grow from it? Like any of us haven't made any mistakes we needed forgiveness from. Keep in mind...I'm not talking about the magnitude of his wrongdoing, however just the act of a wrongdoing in general. Think about it like this...if Chris was your older or younger brother, and he did that...would you not want everybody to forgive him and give him a second chance? Imagine your own brother doing something like that to would probably be sickened by his actions, but you'd forgive him. And you'd hope others could too and chalk it up to a mistake made. That's all this really is at the end of the day.

And it would be one thing if he did what he did and left it as it was. He's not doing that though. Yea he has his mandatory volunteer work or whatever. But he's been talking to his pastor and seeking counseling to help him with what happened. He's trying to improve from it, and you can't knock the man for that. Allow the man to improve. Now if he comes out of all of this better, and seriously never makes that same mistake...then it's all worth it. But everyone has to allow time for that to occur. Now if he was to relapse and do that again...then yea shun him from society...make him Run It Run It with OG Triple OG...all of that.

Back to Rihanna going back and kickin' it with homie...ask yourselves this question...and keep in mind I'm not talking about the magnitude in which Chris Brown did his wrongdoing, but just somebody doing you wrong in general. How many times has somebody done you wrong, in one way or another, and yet and still you find time to hang out with him/her? Why did you find it appropriate to do so? Maybe cuz you forgave him...chalked it up to a mistake. Maybe just for comfortability's sake. Whatever the case may be...I'm pretty sure most everyone reading this has done so. Hell, I'm doing it now. Yea I've been done wrong in the past *that's another blog entry if I ever REALLY feel like opening up lol, probably won't though since it's in the past, I know some of yall understand though* but I can look past certain things and keep it moving. Now I'm not saying forget...of course not. But it seems some people are blending forgetting with forgiving...which isn't cool. Everyone deserves to be the case of Rihanna and Chris...he deserves to be forgiven. Now if Rihanna chooses to never be around him again...then hey...that's her decision. But it's also her decision if she does like being around him. Just because he made that one mistake doesn't mean he's now a horrible person...just a guy that made a mistake.

I hope that when I say forgive the man, that people think I'm suggesting things be the way they were before. That's a huge hell no. He definitely has to work his way back into the arms of the people, work for his previous status and all that. But we can't deny him that chance. You know what the funny thing about this is? If this were to happen to somebody like Gucci Mane or somebody like that, people would pretty much write it off. And it's true...check out GUCCI!. yea people would argue the circumstances were different or not as big or WHATEVER, but the fact is he did the same thing Chris did, which was assault a female, which is NEVER ok...but it's still forgivable.

In don't have to like the don't have to listen to his music doublemint gum...whatever! But at least forgive the man and let him do him and pretend he never existed instead of always wanting to put your two cents in on the situation, knowing it's always going to be a negative comment. He doesn't need that, and neither do you. He's trying to progress...and if you wanna give negative comments all the much better of a person does that make you? And yea, Rihanna might be chillin with Chris still. Let her! It's her life, and she obviously has an idea as to what she's doing. No need to comment about it or judge her for it. Honestly, I'm proud of her for being able to forgive and still being able to do what she is doing without really showing the public the adverse effects I'm sure that situation had on her. It really shows her confidence, security, resilience, and overall maturity as a person, IMO at least. So more power to them both.

I think that's all I really wanted to say about that. Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know.


Real Talk Vol. 8: Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

*ok...this is not meant to offend read the whole thing before you raise in arms...there is a usual*

Yall know how you be in the club, or at some party, and the DJ would say somethin' to the likes of "If you a pretty female throw your hands in the air and scream!"...and for some reason...EVERYBODY gotta have the nerve to raise their hands up and scream? I know i'm not the only one that thinks that...or has said that either.

I said before that I would speak on what I meant by pretty in a much earlier i'm now doing so.

I always understood that everyone had different preferences concerning what was attractive to them, but I don't think it really hit me until having a few conversations with my brother. Like, I'd see someone on TV or out somewhere and be like "Hey she's cute" only for him to say "Not really."

Pretty. It can't be universally defined. And i'm using the word pretty as a term to encompass all words that serve as synonyms: beauty, glamour, attractiveness, etc. But yea...everyone is going to have their own personal meaning.

Now with that, I feel like people need to learn how to accept the opposite end of that spectrum. Certain people are simply not attractive to other people. There is nothing wrong with that, but people need to learn to accept that and keep life moving. I forget where I was, but one day a month or so back I heard this group of people arguing because some guy supposedly said this girl was not that attractive. I pretty much laughed inside at how silly that argument was. I mean, it's one thing for someone to say such a thing in a disrespective connotation. But if someone is simply giving their opinion, then where's the wrong in that? I know there are people in the world people think are absolutely gorgeous that I don't. Halle Berry for instance. OK nah HORRIBLE example! LOL. People like her and Stacey Dash just go into a pot of automatically BAD!! lol...but ok...I'll just say Raven Symone for now or something. I know people will find her to be mad gorgeous...but she doesn't do it for me.

Back to the people in the club. I feel like some people don't have any business putting their hands up...but that's just my personal opinion. Not being disrespectful by any means...just being honest. But one other conclusion I've come to in thinking about this topic...what does it ULTIMATELY matter what everyone thinks? I would hope that people find themselves attractive. I mean, if you can't find yourself attractive, then why should anyone else? I know for a fact that I'm not attractive to every single female in the world. I personally think I'm handsome as hell. And I'm not saying this egotistically or anything like that, but that's how I feel...and there's nothing wrong with that. I look into the mirror everyday and see a strapping young gentleman! And that's important. If you can't accept that from yourself, you're gonna find it very hard to accept it from somebody else.

Pretty is different for everybody. I know what pretty is for me, which is all that matters in the end. So when I said wayyyyyy before I have an affinity for pretty people, and when I had described CoCo as one of those pretty females, you may disagree with my idea of pretty...and that's cool. Do you. However, in my eyes, that is how beauty is beheld. I won't go into describing what pretty is for me since that really is for my edification only...and I don't want people to try and fit themselves in certain categories that I may mention, cuz it shouldn't matter what I think. But I hope people understand that just because a certain person may not be attractive to another person or group of people, that's not to say that somebody else doesn't find them attractive. And, more importantly, people should always be attractive to themselves, IMO at least. And even MORE importantly, God loves you and will always find you attractive. (Yea that may sound cheesy or whatever, but I'm saying that with the utmost sincerity.)

Same goes for males...but me being a male interested in women, I choose to speak about women. Yall understand.

So...for my pretty people out there reading this...leave a comment and tell me what you think!!!!! ;)


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just Checkin' In...

First, I'd like to apologize for my absence. I know a lot of yall don't care anyways lol...but I've been mad busy so I haven't had the time to blog at all really. I don't have the time now, actually. I have to be up 3 hours and 45 minutes, or something like that...idk i'm sleepy...but something like that. but anyways...I can't sleep, and I happened to come across this story. Very random. Extremely ridiculous. Or maybe I just find it random and ridiculous since I'm sleepy. Those with Visa Prepaid accounts, look out! Yall read this.

Just a sidenote, am I the only one that found that last sentence in that article to be absolutely hilarious? lol

I shall be back sometime in the next few days I suppose to get back on my blogging tip. Whether yall care or not, I don't. I just felt it important to let you know! lol...I'm being silly/sleepy. But yea...i'll be back. I have a LOT of stuff to say, and to show yall! Until then.......


Saturday, July 11, 2009


-- I didn't know it was impossible so I did it.

C. Whitehead.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Real Talk Vol. 7: Just REAL TALK!!!!!




I know I've said this plenty of times...but I just don't think it ever seems to hit correctly coming from a guy. So bless this lovely lady for putting this out there! All, and I do mean ALL, women need to see this. Not judging...but real talk...look at this and see if anything here applies in your life. Some may have already known this...but it's a great refresher!

And...real talk...if she wasn't married...she could DEFINITELY get the happiness! I'd be ALL the man she needs. *gnr*


Man Rule #2

Do not complain about a job you have if you are not in the position to be complaining.

People wanna talk about how unhappy they are at their job, or how they wanna leave whatever company they are with to work for another, or just complain for the sake of complaining. Real talk...that's not becoming of a man.

I know I used to be one of those people at some point...always dreading the hours to come when I'd have to go to work when I knew I couldn't stand the bosses/ disliked what I did. After much reflection, and trying times, for what?

Be happy you got a damn job! Especially in this economy today - *yo that is like the NUMBER TWO used phrase for anything...think about it..."I wanna go on vacation, but in this economy...", or "I wanna go to such and such school, but in this economy...", or even "Normally we'd go to Red Lobster, but...shit in THIS economy..."* - even people with Ph.D's are having troubles and are resorting to baggage handling jobs at Delta just to put food on the table. People are still getting laid off today! And you wanna complain about the job you HAVE?

If you're a true man...and any man will tell you this...but if you're a true man, especially one with a family and obligatory expenses, you are going to do whatever it is you gotta do to put food on the table and get those bills paid. Even if you aren't one of those men with extreme expenses, no man likes to be broke! Period! Yea...times are hard sometimes...but if you can find comfort and solace in being broke...I'm sorry...and not trying to judge you...but you're no man. Yea people like to cry broke here and there...and it may be true. Nothing wrong with that. But if you don't see a problem with it, or if you aren't trying to find a way to improve that situation...then you got some growing to do.

Being man should EVER enjoy being broke. Cuz I assure you, no woman will put up with a man who stay broke and ain't trying to do nothing to fix it! *yea I'm speaking in my non-professional tone right don't you DARE judge my grammar! lol*

Furthermore...since when were you "too good" to do any type of labor? Now...every man should strive for the best. Get that good career with a salary. Grab something with residual income...all that! However...I find it very annoying when I hear a "man" say..."Oh I'm not doing that! That's not for me! I couldn't do that. I'm not gonna get my hands dirty doing that." *Yes I've actually heard everything I've said in this entry.*


Now...should you WANT to do some of those things. Of course not. You probably deserve better and should always strive to do better. However, if those are the cards you're not gonna fold them! Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...and that's just not an option.

I know back in the day I used to say that I'd NEVER work at a fast-food restaurant. I never wanted to. I might have even thought I was "too good" for it. things have turned out now...sometimes that's just what you have to do in order to move forward. You gotta start somewhere and sometimes do things you don't want to do or never saw yourself doing. Now I'm at a fast-food restaurant, sometimes dressing as the freakin' mascot to bring in customers. Why? To tithe, to pay for school, a monthly phone bill, car repairs, other miscellaneous expenses, and to have extra money to save and spend as I please. Now, will I stay there? HELL NO!! I'm on a path of greatness that just happened to start where it started. However, on the way, I won't complain about what is. What is is what use in complaining.

Just wanted to get that off my chest! What you think?

p.s. The NUMBER ONE phrase used for anything is "We in a recession." and no...not "We're in a recession," but "We in a recession!"


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: Pure, Like A Cup Of Virgin Blood...Mixed With 151...One Sip Will Make A Nigga Flip

Listen. Love it. Enjoy.


"Opportunities never come to those who wait, they are captured by those who dare to attack."

--Paul J. Meyer

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today, I finally got Wii Fit to lose some weight. Came home and set it all up only to be told that I weigh too much to use the board. FML

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today, I found out why my girlfriend of 8 months has never agreed to stay the night before. Now I have a 4-month old mattress that needs replacing, and a 23-year-old bedwetter for a girlfriend. FML

If You Give A Dog A Bone...

This commercial is absolutely hilarious!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


-- We anoint their fuses with a tiny amount of fire, and they come alive, playing out their life span in a matter or seconds. In those few seconds a crack in the universe is opened, giving us a glimpse of the energy locked within all matter.

Bob Weaver

Thursday, July 2, 2009


-- Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.

Michael Jackson

Throwback Thursdays: 80 Degrees, Wanna Tell That Trick Please, Raise Up Off These N U T's, Cuz You Gets None of These. At Ease...

Had to rep for the home team. Enjoy.

New Tagline

It's not what you say...but how you say it.

I don't care what nobody say...that is the perfect quote for this blog!!

Yall think about that in your normal lives.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Double U...Tee...Eff...

Lauren London is pregnant...

by Lil Wayne...

I'm so sad...


Big ups to Weezy...

but why?


Every Girl (Explicit)

guess he wasn't lying...

*on to the next celebrity crush*


-- The idle mind is the devil's workshop.

Real Talk Vol. 6: Letter to My Queens

Courtesy of my homegirl LoLo...I took this from her. Love ya girl!

"Dear black women of America,

It has been called to my attention that many of us have demonstrated unparalleled amounts of ignorance in a time when we should be banding together to improve our world and make better lives for our children. If you are unclear as to what ignorance and ghetto-ness I speak of, please refer to the guidelines I've given below. As a black woman of today, if you follow these guidelines, you will not only live a happier, healthier life, but you'll have done your part to help eradicate the world of negative black female stereotypes.

1. If you wear weave, please make sure it's Yaki and not past mid-shoulder length. Recent touch ups and properly straightened edges are mandatory.

2. Birth control and condoms work, so PLEASE, use them freely. Note: A negro telling you he loves you is not a written contract that guarantees he is disease free and will pay child support.

3. If you must take a phone call in a public place, please talk at a normal volume and refrain from using curse words.

4. Blue/violet contacts don't work on you, I don't care how light you think you are.

5. There are more ways to express your disapproval in a situation than rolling your head/eyes and looking like you smell something stank. Use your words, they work better.

6. Too tight clothes don't look good on anyone. Wear the size you are...not the size that you think you are. Note: if you have to lay down to zip up your pants, you might want to think about moving up to the next size.

7. If you have kids, please make sure they are clean and look put together when they leave the house.

8. Again, if you have kids, try to limit your "going out" activities to once a week.

9. Instead of spending hours teaching your child the stanky leg, try reading them a damn book.

Finally, ladies, I say to you, this last guideline is the most important of all guidelines...STOP HATING ON EACH OTHER. If you see a sista doing better than you, simply try to find out how she got that way and take a damn note!

Strive for better:

- Instead of finding a baby daddy, work on finding a husband
- Instead of finding a man with a record, find one with a career
- Instead of dealing with a guy who lives with his momma, find one that has a landlord or owns his own property
- Stop dating men whose car costs more than his monthly rent
- If he'd rather spend money on shoes/clothes/cars than saving up for a home, he might not be the best choice for you if you desire stability
- Don't date dude with kids who don't pay child support


The BLATTDB (Black Ladies of America Trying To Do Better)"

*by way of J.B. Charisma*

And to the men who may feel offended by the "Strive for Better" section, and fit the negatives of that list...then Real Talk... T.I. -- Urban Legend -- Track 10.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Much like my boy LoLights Quote of the Day series...I will put up different quotes that I feel pertain to my life...and possibly other people's life. we go...installment number 1.

--A great leap forward often requires first taking two steps back...and sometimes...all it requires is the will to jump.

Talent Tuesdays: So Amazing

Always a big fan of trick shots. But this is just OD. Like...WORD?!

Time To Let Us Through

Talent Tuesdays: No Need For a Subtitle

Monday, June 29, 2009


Today, I sent pictures to my ex of me and my new boyfriend in bed. He sent them to my dad. FML

Yea Just Get Violent!

Sorry. I had to post the live version as well. It's just OD.

Moment of Silence

Sunday, June 28, 2009

We Are Not Losers

It's about that time...


Real Talk Vol. FIVE: By Raise Of Hands...

Does anybody else find it funny when somebody...especially outside of your "circle"...speaks on something they THINK they are just so knowledgeable about...thinking they have "proof" and that they just COULDN'T be wrong about what they are saying...only to know in the back of your mind they sound so ignorant and silly, knowing if they knew the ACTUAL truth of what they were speaking, they'd probably end up crying, awestruck and wishing they never opened their mouth in the first place?

Does anybody else get tired of other people talking and talking, only to say nothing productive...but just feeding the plants CO2 and wasting their precious voicebox speaking negativity about other things/people?

Does anybody else wish people would stop being fairweather Friends...having your back/filling the duties of a friend when it's most convenient for them, only to leave you standing in the rain, and then adding unnecessary wind to the bad weather?

Does anybody else wonder why people can get so buck, live, and "honest" when under the influence of something other than life itself, yet cannot ever muster up the courage to say what they wanna say at 5:55pm when they're feeling nice and normal?

Does anybody else hate hearing one of your friends distressed, upset, sad, and anything else but happy, trying to find the words to say that'll make sure your friend feels better and happy...all the while clinching your fists and gritting your teeth on the other side of the phone, rapidly trying to figure out a way to best handle a situation to make sure that NEVER happens again?

Does anybody else feel like the high road is a bunch of bullshit sometimes, and just wish for a few moments you could find complete satisfaction in stooping down a couple levels and giving people what you feel they deserve?

Does anybody else feel me?

Does anybody else understand?

Tis all.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Double U...Tee...Eff...

I really cannot believe he did this. What's more, I can't believe the courtroom allowed him to do this!

Brotherly Love

Back to the Birthday Shoutouts yall!!!

Now this one here is special to me. I mean...all of my birthday shoutouts are/will be...they are on my blog after all. But this is necessary to state that this is important!

I've seen this kid through 18 years of his life man...and I must say...he's growing up into quite the young man. I still remember the times he would copy, literally, EVERYTHING I did.

It's a trip man. Seeing him grow up the way he has. Even if I put it in words, a lot of yall wouldn't understand how much it really does mean to me. I love this kid yo.

Yea he's crazy...and can be annoying at times...but it doesn't even matter. I can relate to him moreso than a lot of other people. He, while he may know it or not, understands me. I definitely understand him. He truly is just like me. The stuff he's going through...the basis of his personality. Pretty much everything. He's outgoing. Funny. Quite the looker. He handles his business, yet loves to play. Respectable. You can obviously see I'm proud of him.

So...this birthday shoutout is going to my younger *I wanted to say little, but he's bigger than me lol* brother Austin Jerome McGuffie! *yes I'm using everybody's government in these shoutouts.* I love you bro! Here's to 18+ more years of brotherhood.

p.s. Clubs better watch out. We comin'!! lol

Just Rambling

I just had to say...I'm feelin legit confused. No BS.

If you know know I love LOOOOVE music! I live through music. I do everything through/with music. Yes, I mainly listen to hip-hop...but it's far from the only thing...I Everything about it. I always have.

A huge reasoning for my love of music is due to Michael Jackson. Real talk. like...REAL TALK! I remember being at my grandma's house...and she had this black Michael Jackson shirt I ALWAYS wore when I slept over there. And I would be in that shirt, trying to sing his songs and trying to do the moonwalk and the crazy spinning.

It's really sad how people are most remembered AFTER they died. I mean...just as a very small example...Dolla. Not to make him seem unimportant *R.I.P.* but rarely anybody knew him before he died. *By raise of many even know who I'm talking about?...don't worry...I won't judge you.*

Anyways...yo...I was watching all the tribute shows/music videos/news reports on Michael Jackson today...and it just gets me more and more sad as time goes by. Like...I grew up on this guy...still can sing a good majority of his songs by heart. It's crazy yo. Just thinking about how far music came thanks to him alone.

I think what really started hitting me was looking at how other people were reacting to his death. Like...I was fine at first. But finally getting a chance to see other people's really is saddening.

From a musical standpoint...I mean...we just lost the biggest musical icon of all time...the definition of such a term. Even just watching his videos...everything just seems surreal.

I've been listening to his music all day. On repeat. It's just crazy man. I mean...I listened to it when he was alive...but does anybody else feel like everything he said has a much more deeper meaning now that he's gone? How come that's ALWAYS the case? With everything? Vincent Van Gogh...painter. Nobody appreciated his work till AFTER he died. Every great rapper...yes they were considered great rappers...but it's not until AFTER they die that they become untouchable legends. It's just crazy man.

I think what's most hitting me is how much his work went underappreciated. Don't get me wrong...I have always loved his music. But, it's not until he passed that I really was like...WOW...this is just ridiculous. Maybe I just feel like I underappreciated his music now that he's gone...which makes this all time-relative.

As yall may be able to see...I'm really just rambling right now. Trying to make sense of things if you will.

The older I get...the more I appreciate the value of life. I never really felt the pain of a death until my aunt died back in February 2008. I mean, I've known family members that have died, and other friends and acquaintances that have died from my school and whatnot...but I feel like I was young then, cuz it just really takes on another meaning most recently. I've never cried over a death. I've never really felt a heart-wrenching pain caused by a death or anything, the closest being my aunt. But the more I've gotten older...the more life just seems shorter and shorter...and more precious.

Add that with my love of music and music losing something truly great...I guess you can see where I'm going with that.

Or maybe not. Cuz I don't think I do.


I'm not depressed or anything's just...mad crazy yo!

I just heard something that made me feel better.

Yall know my best friend Wesley. If not...I have a best friend named Wesley. Actually...see Friends.

Anyways...his parents are at my crib now...actin a fool! lol...anyways...they're talking about the Michael Jackson incident now...and they got on talking about him and James Brown and how we lost the both of them. This is what made me feel better. Just so you know...Mom is my mom...and Momma is Wesley's mom *yes I call her Momma*

Mom: "Michael Jackson is gone. James Brown is gone."
Momma: "And we're still here!"

Such a great way to look at it. They live on through us. :)

I really don't know what else to say right now. I really was just rambling. Besides...I have a VERY important enrty to post right now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Remember The Time... this is the first time I could get to my blog since my silly posts yesterday. First of all...I'll seriously continue my Throwback Thursday series next week. Second...there is obviously something more important to blog about.

Yes I know everyone is already on it...but could never be said enough.

Yesterday we lost probably the biggest music icon of our time. People like Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, and the like would not have the career they have without this man.

Yo...I used to try to dance like him ALL THE TIME!!! I'm still trying to perfect the moonwalk. I used to watch Michael Jackson Moonwalker on repeat all day! *don't front like none of yall watched that movie all day!* I'm more than sure EVERYBODY has at least FIVE of his songs committed to memory, and even that would be a shame.

He's truly the definition of 'Timeless.'

I'm trying not to make this sound like one of those cliche articles I'm sure you've already read...but I mean...what else can you say.

One sad thing about all of this...I feel like in the short definitely over the next few months...his musical talent is going to be overshadowed by his lifestyle. All his scandals, his nose, and plenty of other things I'm sure is going to surface now that he's gone. Yes it's true...he definitely had a troubled life. He wasn't the greatest person ever. Nobody is really. He did his dirt, made his mistakes. True. But I really feel like all of that conversation should cease to exist. Let the man and his family rest in peace. We should just just bask in his music and legacy as we remember him as the GREATEST to ever do it! Period!

I hope my homegirl Marissa Mitchell is reading this. I know how much she loves him and his music. *notice I said loveS instead of loveD! He's gone physically, but he'll live through his music longer than we will...real talk* I partially wrote this for you girl! While we may not show it *I personally have a problem with showing emotion, I'm working on it though*, we are all cut deep by this unexpected loss. You Are Not Alone!

I know this is personally going to take a good minute before this actually hits me. That sentence alone should just underline the sheer impact of his death. As I realize it and it truly does cut deep, for some reason I just feel like it hasn't exactly HIT me...yall understand? Like I expect to see a news story in the next few hours saying how he miraculously woke up and moonwalked out of the hospital screaming...WHO'S BAD?!!!!!!!!

With that's to the King of Pop. May your music rest in everyone's souls forever. *I know it will in mine!* Damn...

Michael Joseph Jackson
(August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009)

This is where I was going to post my favorite music video of all time from Michael...but my boy LoLights (see LoLights and check out his's sick) already posted it! So instead...I'm going to post my favorite song of all time by the man! Real talk...everyone listen to this song.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: 11 Years Old, Making A's and B's. And These Little Mommy's Can't Keep Their Hands Off Me.


Had to post this after posting the other video. hahaha I'm cracking myself up right now!

Gotta go to work. Imma post my real Throwback Thursday video when I get home.


Throwback Thursdays: I'm the...hottest...thing around. Neck full of bling bling like the Neptunes sound.

Yall don't judge me. lol

but this song has been stuck in my head for a minute so I had to post it.

Juggs Gotchaaaaa!!!!!

Straight Classic. My blog would not be complete without this video. If you haven't seen it...shame on you!!

Throwback Thursdays coming soon.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just Another Day Out In Sunny L.A.

New Video. Pacific Division. The Mayor. Check it out!

That last line..."You can only sight-see if you gotta past."...yea...that's gonna be a title for a blog entry soon.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So yea...another new blog series. Pretty self-explanatory. Usually they're gonna just come from the FML site...whatever I think is worthy of being put on my blog, I will copy and paste it here. If something happens in my life that's worth a FML...i'll put that here also. So yea. Here's the first one.

Today, was my birthday. After hinting for almost 2 months for a Wii, my dad pulls out a shiny new Wii Package. The only problem? The box didn't have a Wii in it. My dad gave me a Wii box with my VCR inside and a note saying "This is life. Once you think you're happy, someone crushes it". FML

Double U...Tee...Eff...

This video has inspired me to start a new section of my blog -- Double U...Tee...Eff *WTF for you slow people* I will post random crazy videos that, upon watching...the only thing that can go through your head

And this video is definitely the perfect video to christen this series of blog entries. Check it out.

Talent Tuesdays: LeBron Who???

LeBron...the king of trick shots...has been dethroned. No more words. Just check this out.

And no...this was NOT digitally altered.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Real Talk Vol. 4: Nice guys don't finish last...IMO

Helpful people really do go a long way.

As a person that has worked in some sort of customer service position - whether it be fast food, cashier, telephone representative - done plenty of volunteer opportunities, and just overall raised to be a nice individual, I feel like it isn't only highly impressionable upon other people, but also self-rewarding.

I can definitely say that other people greatly appreciate nice people. I know i'm always given compliments from other people due to how naturally nice I am. Personally, I always try to make it a point to be as nice as possible to people...and hearing from other people how nice I am makes me want to be even nicer. Now...amongst my peers, I may sometimes may come across as a jerk sometimes (see Jerk), but it's truly just being comical and moreso welcoming to other people. I know one of my homegirls Raydia (Ray-Ray) didn't like me when she first met me. *She'll tell you. lol* I used to make a lot of jokes...and that's how I always am. but once anyone gets to truly know me...if you're on my good side...i'm really a nice and caring person...that still got jokes. lol

ok...enough talking about myself.

So yea...I feel like many people need to make a more concerted effort to be nice. Real talk. Not on no sappy, emotional tip either. Like, just for real. I went to McDonald's to get up on their breakfast this morning *I LOOOOVE McDonald's breakfast!*, and i'm making my order...and the lady was just extremely rude! Like you can tell she did not want to be at work, and was very salty for working at McDonald's as a 30+ year old woman taking drive-thru orders. Like yo...that's YOUR fault, but you shouldn't take that out on the other people that just want some damn breakfast!

Don't get me wrong...sometimes people deserve rude behavior and whatnot...and by all means, in those instances it is alright to display such behavior...however sometimes people just go out of their way to be everything but nice. and honestly, it's quite sad.

Maybe it has to do with the cliche "Nice guys finish last." I'm sorry...and excuse my french...but that's bullshit! Maybe in the short run...maybe...but life isn't a 100 meter dash! And even in the short it really worth it? Life is a don't wanna run too slow cuz you'll lose...but you don't wanna run too fast...cuz then you'll just get extra tired...and you'll still lose.

"Slow *living* is better than no *living*. Fast *living* don't last too gotta pace it!" Big ups to Lil Wayne - Carter II off of...well...actually that's obvious. lol

Anyways...I say that to say this. I feel like people need to realize that being nice is actually a good thing! And I don't just mean being nice out of your own convenience, but just overall nice. It really does work wonders for other people's day, as well as your own inner being. I'm telling you...I speak from personal experience. It goes a long way!


Swimming Through Shallow Waters: Father's Day Edition

Growing up in his shadow,
Shielded from the sun of life
Since I could grab a rattle.
And I still happily paddle
In the sea of wisdom and advice
Coming from the shadow I deeply hallow
Hoping it never shallows.

Wherever it went, I followed
Didn’t care where I was headed.
As long as my footsteps were embedded
Into my promised tomorrow.
Yes, my life directed
Still an amateur at best and
The shadow being my Night at the Apollo

I mocked it for amusement
Thinking it was a useful and proved
Way just to learn its moves
Down to its acuteness
Unaware it would behoove me
As I stepped into the sun
Trying to remember its movements
As a form of self-improvement

Then I saw how bright the sun was
And it blinded me
Blackened my skin, left me perspiring
Eyes closed, and arms outstretched
Didn’t expect it to be so grimy
Then the shadow returned timely
Just to remind me
That I may not have the guide
But it’s always behind me

Now as I heal from the sunburns
And blurred vision
I dive into the sea of wisdom and advice
For thirst quenchin’
As I fish through the words mentioned
I immerse myself in rehearsed smidgens
You versed when I first listened.

Now I see all along
You were preparing me for the time
I’d realize I’ll have a shadow of my own.
So Dad, this is a grateful and glad flow
To show my appreciation
No pizzazz though
Just a simple metaphor acknowledging
And thanking you for being my shadow!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures out there!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Throwback Thursdays: Leanin' To The Side, But You Can't Speed Through. Two Miles An Hour, So Everybody Sees You

That was by far the easiest lyric I've given yet! lol...I had to do it though...I love that line. lol...anyways...I KNOW most, if not all, know what i'm posting.

It's that time of I figured I would go on ahead and drop this timeless jewel of a track to start it off right.

Yea boi. Just had to mention...he's like my idol! lolol...nah but real talk...whatever I didn't learn from my father, I picked up from him. So that was a DEAD giveaway. haha...but yea...I don't get that nickname for no reason. ok...check it out.

For those that don't nickname is Fresh Prince.


Real Talk Vol. 3: A thin line between friends and.....friends?

Ask yourself a question...

How many friends do you have? I'm not trying to make this a numbers game now *not to be confused with the NUMBERS game (see Man Rule #1).* But just think about it. Who are your friends? Why are they your friends? What do you guys do as friends? ask this question.

Out of your many of them do you consider TRUE friends? *Yes there is a difference in my opinion* For those of you that only thought about your true friends when I asked you how many friends you had, and are now going back to the first question to think who else you would consider a friend...that isn't necessary. Like I's not a game or's just to invoke thought, so it would kinda help my point. So what makes them a true friend? What actions or circumstances has proven them to be a true friend, in your opinion?

Now I don't want yall to think I'm going to sit here and talk about how some people that you consider your true friends aren't your true friends or anything like that. I'm just ranting *for the lack of a better word* about some things i've come to realize. And I also said previously (see Birthday La Flare! ya CoCo :D) that I would speak on friendships and whatnot. so yea. just writing up to my word.

I must say first and foremost that I am truly blessed to have the friends I do have. Real talk. I'm usually the type of person that likes to shut my friends out when things get dark. I just want to stumble around the room and try to find the light switch myself without any help, knowing that I'd find that damned light switch eventually, running into walls and stubbing my toes all the while. I've always been that way *getting better though.* friends always find a way to be there for me anyways, even if they don't know it. So...Thanks yall. Yall know who yall are.

So I just texted somebody happy 21st birthday not too long ago. We used to be mad I think...anyways much closer than we are now. Which is partially what led me to write this blog now as opposed to later. But I was just thinking about who I considered friends and why. *I still do consider her as a friend by the way, don't get me wrong.*

But yea...have you ever just sat and reminisced how things were back in the day? Who you used to hang out with? Things like that? I say that now because I feel my age...the people you consider friends now, especially true friends, you are pretty much going to keep for the rest of your it's always nice to look at the past and see how things have progressed. I know for me...I've seen true friends stay true friends, true friends become friends, true friends become acquaintances, friends become true friends then back to friends for whatever reason, etc. etc. Basically i've seen it all, in regards to the people I've come across and played any sort of role in my life.

If you haven't noticed by thought processes are VERY unorthodoxed, but they end up making some sort of sense in the end. So if you feel like i'm going nowhere...guess what...this blog isn't for you anyways!!! It's my blog! LOL i'm being silly. but see...yea unorthodoxed. I do want you to think about some of this though. It's healthy.

I guess I should explain some of my terminology. I am basically speaking on three friendship personalities: The acquaintance, the friend, and the true friend. The acquaintance is that person you see around...maybe in a mutual circle or're cordial...speak in passing...maybe a facebook wall post here and there or something. Nothing too developed. A friend is all the above...but more developed. You have deep conversations, or conversations in general past how are you doing...hang out often...speak on a more personal level...both have an established level of trust...helps you out in certain circumstances...yea things like that. The true friend is all the above...and more. The true friend is that person that is down for you no matter what...almost like an unconditional trust for and from that person...yea you get my drift.

Also...I don't want people to get true friends mixed up with close friends. I know I didn't mention close friends...but whatever...i'm tired of defining now. lol ok no I'm not. When I mention close friends, I feel like that implies a time period. Like in a given time period...a school year for example...I mainly hang out with my school peoples. At the time...a few of them would be considered my close friends...but anyways...I say that to say this. At times in life...there will be times when you hang out with certain people more than others. It's life. For example. My boy Wesley. Still like my best friend to this day. After high school we haven't really talked or kicked it as much as we used to. We still do mind you, but not at the volume we did. And I have met more people and befriended some of them between high school and he has. I have spent a lot of time with certain people I would consider close friends...but that will never take away the fact that he is still one of my TRUE friends. I know, despite the decrease in communication, if he ever called me and needed anything...I got him at the drop of a dime...and i know that feeling is reciprocated.

Another homegirl CoCo...since I brought her up earlier. Unlike Wesley...we've never really been the closest of friends. But I consider her one of my true friends. I know if she called me needing anything...I got her. No questions. And if I needed anything...she'd be one of the few people I'd absolutely call.

On the flipside of that...I have friends I definitely would consider close to me...yet, at times of need...they would not be the first name to pop into my head as far as people i'd trust to call.

I guess I'm saying all of this to bring up this point. I think some people tend to get their friendship boundaries blurred. Not trying to judge who people consider friends, but I feel like people sometimes don't really understand what really goes into a friendship. It's more than just a label. It's more than just a convenient circumstance between two people. And it's mutual!!!!! That's why I asked a few of the follow up questions after asking who your true friends were or how many friends you have.

It's good to have friends. It's great to have friends actually. But I feel like everyone needs to be put in certain categories, not trying to be rude or anything, but it's a necessity. Everyone is very capable of being your friend, but very few are capable of being your true friend. Just like a man can pretty much date most females. But that male isn't going to fall in love/catch deep feelings for every girl he dates. It's unhealthy.

So, basically, it's good to know who your friends are. And it's good to know who your true friends are. Like as far as true friends go *imma just use that one as an example. Most of yall reading are quite intelligent get my drift for the most part...and not trying to call you out if you're reading and you aren't intelligent...not that I'm calling you stupid or anything.......ok let me just stop now. lol* far as true friends go...I think of it like this. If any of my friends called me at 3am with a problem, who would I immediately wake up to help with no hesitation, no questions asked? Vice versa: If I had a problem at 3am, who would be a person I'd call? Now...not to make anyone feel less important or anything...but let's be real. Most everybody would hear that phone ring at 3am and be like "YAWN! I'll check it in the morning." and go back to sleep. and also...I know a lot of yall would think "Psh. Yea I'm not calling THAT nigga at no 3am." and it's all long as you know what place your friends belong.

Ok that's all on this topic...for now at least. lol Hope you enjoyed that read. Give feedback please. What you think? Your ideas?
